Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex.
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Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex.
and it is this agreement that removes the possibility of a sex differentiation in childhood as it appears after puberty.  In respect to the autoerotic and masturbatic sexual manifestations, it may be asserted that the sexuality of the little girl has entirely a male character.  Indeed, if one could give a more definite content to the terms “masculine and feminine,” one might advance the opinion that the libido is regularly and lawfully of a masculine nature, whether in the man or in the woman; and if we consider its object, this may be either the man or the woman.[4]

Since becoming acquainted with the aspect of bisexuality I hold this factor as here decisive, and I believe that without taking into account the factor of bisexuality it will hardly be possible to understand the actually observed sexual manifestations in man and woman.

The Leading Zones in Man and Woman.—­Further than this I can only add the following.  The chief erogenous zone in the female child is the clitoris, which is homologous to the male penis.  All I have been able to discover concerning masturbation in little girls concerned the clitoris and not those other external genitals which are so important for the later sexual functions.  With few exceptions I myself doubt whether the female child can be seduced to anything but clitoris masturbation.  The frequent spontaneous discharges of sexual excitement in little girls manifest themselves in a twitching of the clitoris, and its frequent erections enable the girl to understand correctly even without any instruction the sexual manifestations of the other sex; they simply transfer to the boys the sensations of their own sexual processes.

If one wishes to understand how the little girl becomes a woman, he must follow up the further destinies of this clitoris excitation.  Puberty, which brings to the boy a great advance of libido, distinguishes itself in the girl by a new wave of repression which especially concerns the clitoris sexuality.  It is a part of the male sexual life that sinks into repression.  The reenforcement of the sexual inhibitions produced in the woman by the repression of puberty causes a stimulus in the libido of the man and forces it to increase its capacity; with the height of the libido there is a rise in the overestimation of the sexual, which can be present in its full force only when the woman refuses and denies her sexuality.  If the sexual act is finally submitted to and the clitoris becomes excited its role is then to conduct the excitement to the adjacent female parts, and in this it acts like a chip of pine wood which is utilized to set fire to the harder wood.  It often takes some time for this transference to be accomplished; during which the young wife remains anesthetic.  This anesthesia may become permanent if the clitoris zone refuses to give up its excitability; a condition brought on by abundant activities in infantile life.  It is known that anesthesia in women is often only apparent and local.  They are anesthetic at the vaginal entrance but not at all unexcitable through the clitoris or even through other zones.  Besides these erogenous causes of anesthesia there are also psychic causes likewise determined by the repression.

Project Gutenberg
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.