Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex.
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Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 148 pages of information about Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex.

After this discussion, two notions, at all events, persist; first, that a bisexual predisposition is to be presumed for the inversion also, only we do not know of what it consists beyond the anatomical formations; and, second, that we are dealing with disturbances which are experienced by the sexual impulse during its development.[11]

The Sexual Object of Inverts.—­The theory of psychic hermaphroditism presupposed that the sexual object of the inverted is the reverse of the normal.  The inverted man, like the woman, succumbs to the charms emanating from manly qualities of body and mind; he feels himself like a woman and seeks a man.

But however true this may be for a great number of inverts, it by no means indicates the general character of inversion.  There is no doubt that a great part of the male inverted have retained the psychic character of virility, that proportionately they show but little of the secondary characters of the other sex, and that they really look for real feminine psychic features in their sexual object.  If that were not so it would be incomprehensible why masculine prostitution, in offering itself to inverts, copies in all its exterior, to-day as in antiquity, the dress and attitudes of woman.  This imitation would otherwise be an insult to the ideal of the inverts.  Among the Greeks, where the most manly men were found among inverts, it is quite obvious that it was not the masculine character of the boy which kindled the love of man, but it was his physical resemblance to woman as well as his feminine psychic qualities, such as shyness, demureness, and the need of instruction and help.  As soon as the boy himself became a man he ceased to be a sexual object for men and in turn became a lover of boys.  The sexual object in this case as in many others is therefore not of the like sex, but it unites both sex characters, a compromise between the impulses striving for the man and for the woman, but firmly conditioned by the masculinity of body (the genitals).[12]

The conditions in the woman are more definite; here the active inverts, with special frequency, show the somatic and psychic characters of man and desire femininity in their sexual object; though even here greater variation will be found on more intimate investigation.

The Sexual Aim of Inverts.—­The important fact to bear in mind is that no uniformity of the sexual aim can be attributed to inversion.  Intercourse per anum in men by no means goes with inversion; masturbation is just as frequently the exclusive aim; and the limitation of the sexual aim to mere effusion of feelings is here even more frequent than in hetero-sexual love.  In women, too, the sexual aims of the inverted are manifold, among which contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth seems to be preferred.

Project Gutenberg
Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.