Limb to limb unites and rises from the
ashes dry and cold,
And the life-blood courses
warmly through the frames long turned to mould,
Skin and flesh, anew created, muscle,
bone and nerve enfold.
Then, mankind to life restoring, Death
downtrodden ’neath His feet,
Lo! the Victor mounts triumphant
to the Father’s judgment-seat,
Bringing back to heaven the glory by His
passion made complete.
Hail! Thou Judge of souls departed:
hail! of all the living King!
On the Father’s right
hand throned, through His courts Thy praises ring,
Till at last for all offences righteous
judgment Thou shalt bring.
Now let old and young uniting chant to
Thee harmonious lays,
Maid and matron hymn Thy glory,
infant lips their anthem raise,
Boys and girls together singing with pure
heart their song of praise.
Let the storm and summer sunshine, gliding
stream and sounding shore,
Sea and forest, frost and
zephyr, day and night their Lord adore;
Let creation join to laud Thee through
the ages evermore.
Deus ignee fons animarum,
duo qui socians elementa
vivum simul ac moribundum
hominem Pater effigiasti:
Tua sunt, tua rector utraque,
tibi copula iungitur horum,
tibi, dum vegetata cohaerent,
et spiritus et caro servit.
Rescissa sed ista seorsum
solvunt hominera perimuntque, 10
humus excipit arida corpus,
animae rapit aura liquorem.
Quia cuncta creata necesse
labefacta senescere tandem,
conpactaque dissociari, 15
et dissona texta retexi.
Hanc tu, Deus optime, mortem
famulis abolere paratus
iter inviolabile monstras,
quo perdita membra resurgant:
Ut, dum generosa caducis
ceu carcere clausa ligantur,
pars illa potentior extet,
quae germen ab aethere traxit.
Si terrea forte voluntas
luteum sapit et grave captat,
animus quoque pondere victus
sequitur sua membra deorsum.
At si generis memor ignis
contagia pigra recuset, 30
vehit hospita viscera secum,
pariterque reportat ad astra.
Nam quod requiescere corpus
vacuum sine mente videmus,
spatium breve restat, ut alti 35
repetat conlegia sensus.
Venient cito secula, cum iam
socius calor ossa revisat
animataque sanguine vivo
habitacula pristina gestet. 40
Quae pigra cadavera pridem
tumulis putrefacta iacebant,
volucres rapientur in auras
animas comitata priores.
Hinc maxima cura sepulcris
inpenditur: hinc resolutos
honor ultimus accipit artus
et funeris ambitus ornat.
Candore nitentia claro
praetendere lintea mos est, 50
adspersaque myrrha Sabaeo
corpus medicamine servat.