Mother West Wind 'Why' Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 102 pages of information about Mother West Wind 'Why' Stories.

Mother West Wind 'Why' Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 102 pages of information about Mother West Wind 'Why' Stories.

“More rings,” cried Peter Rabbit.

“Yes,” replied Grandfather Frog, “Mr. Coon’s tail was ringed way to the tip.  There was one for cheerfulness, and one for faith, and one for persistence in making the best of a bad matter and staying at home.  And ever since that long-ago day when the world was young, the Coons have been very proud of their beautiful tails and have kept up the good habits of old Mr. Coon.  Now you know, Peter Rabbit, why Bobby Coon wears rings on his tail,” concluded Grandfather Frog.

Peter gave a long sigh.  “I think it’s perfectly beautiful,” he said.  “I wish I had rings on my tail.”

And then he wondered why everybody laughed.



Ol’ Mistah Buzzard had just told the story of why he has a bald head and is proud of it.  You know he hasn’t a feather on it, and it is very, very red.  It was a very interesting story, and it had been listened to with the closest attention by a lot of the little meadow and forest people.  Unc’ Billy Possum, who is Ol’ Mistah Buzzard’s particular friend, both having come from “way down souf,” happened along just in time to hear the end of it.

“May Ah ask yo’ a question, Brer Buzzard?” said he.

“Cert’nly, Brer Possum.  Cert’nly,” replied Ol’ Mistah Buzzard.

“Is Buzzard really your fam’ly name?” asked Unc’ Billy.

“No, Brer Possum, it isn’t,” replied Ol’ Mistah Buzzard.  Everybody looked surprised.  You see, no one ever had heard him called anything but Buzzard.  But no one said anything, and after a minute or two Ol’ Mistah Buzzard explained.

“Mah fam’ly name is Vulture,” said he.  “Yes, Sah, mah fam’ly name is Vulture, but we-uns done been called Buzzards so long, that Ah don’ know as Ah would know Ah was being spoken to, if Ah was called Mistah Vulture.”

“An’ do Ah understand that all of your fam’ly have red haids?” inquired Unc’ Billy.

Ol’ Mistah Buzzard looked down at Unc’ Billy, and he saw a twinkle in Unc’ Billy’s shrewd little eyes.  Ol’ Mistah Buzzard grinned.

“Ah knows jes’ what yo’ done got in your mind, Brer Possum,” said he.  “It’s that trifling, no ’count cousin of mine.  He’s a Buzzard, or a Vulture, if yo’ like that better, jes’ like Ah am, but he belongs to another branch of the fam’ly.  He has a bald haid, jes’ like Ah have, but his haid is black instead of red.  That’s because his grandpap was trifling an’ po’ trash, jes’ like he is.”

Peter Rabbit pricked up his ears.  This sounded like another story.  He was curious about that black-headed cousin of Ol’ Mistah Buzzard, very curious indeed.  He wondered if Ol’ Mistah Buzzard would have to be teased for a story, like Grandfather Frog.  Anyway, he would find out.  There would be no harm in trying.

“If you please, how does your cousin happen to have a black head?” asked Peter as politely as he knew how.

Project Gutenberg
Mother West Wind 'Why' Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.