The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 16 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 577 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 16.

The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 16 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 577 pages of information about The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 16.

Matters being thus disposed, above threescore children, of divers kingdoms, and nine or ten different languages, were assembled, to be educated in piety and learning.  But it was soon perceived, that these children wanted masters, capable of instructing and forming them, according to the intention of the institute.  God Almighty had pre-ordained the seminary of holy faith, for the Society of Jesus; and it was by a particular disposition of the Divine Providence, that the same year, wherein the seminary was established, brought over the sons of Ignatius to the Indies.

Accordingly, when Xavier first arrived at Goa, Borba offered him the conduct of this new establishment, and used his best endeavours to engage him in it.  Xavier, who found an inward call to something more important, and who already was conceiving in his mind the conversion of a heathen world, would not coop himself up within a town, but in his secret intentions, designed one of his companions for that employment, which was presented to himself.  In the meantime, Borba wrote into Portugal, to Simon Rodriguez, and earnestly desired from him some fathers of the new society, “for whom” he said, “the Almighty had prepared a house in the new world, before their coming.”

During these transactions, Paul de Camerin and Francis Mansilla arrived at Goa, from Mozambique:  Borba retained them both in the seminary, by permission from the viceroy; and that was the reason why they followed not Father Xavier to the coast of Fishery.

Xavier put into the seminary those young Indians whom he had brought along with him; and whatever want he had otherwise of his companions, he gave the charge of the Seminarists to Father Paul de Camerin, at the request of Borba, who had the chief authority in the seminary.  For it was not till the year 1548, after the death of Borba, that the company possest it in propriety, and without dependence.  It then received the name of a college, and was called the college of St Paul, from the title of the church, which was dedicated to the conversion of the apostle of the Gentiles.  From thence it also proceeded, that the Jesuits were called in that country, the fathers of St Paul, or the fathers Paulists, as they are called in that country even at this day.

Father Xavier remained but a little time at Goa; and returned with all expedition to his Paravas, with the best provision of gospel labourers, which he could make.  He was then desirous of sending a missioner of the company to the isle of Socotora, not being in circumstances of going thither in person; for he had not forgotten the promise, which he made to God in behalf of that people, when he left them.  But the small number of companions which he had, was not sufficient for the Indies; and it was not till three or four years afterwards that he sent Father Alphonso Ciprian to Socotora.

Project Gutenberg
The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 16 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.