In the mean time an occasion offered for the voyage of the Moluccas, while they were waiting for an opportunity of passing to Goa. Beyra, therefore, put to sea, more inflamed than ever with the zeal of souls; and filled with a double portion of an apostolic spirit, which the sight of the saint had inspired into him. But of the two companions which had been assigned for the mission of the Moluccas, he left one behind him at Malacca, to be a guardian of that holy treasure, and this was Emanuel Pavora. Peter de Alcaceva at the same time returned from Japan, whither he had been sent from Goa, for the affairs of that new Christianity. And both of them, not long after, carried the holy corpse along with them in the vessel of Lopez de Norogna.
The ship was so old and worn, and out of all repair, that none durst venture to embark upon her. But when once it was divulged, that it was to carry the corpse of Father Francis, every one made haste to get a corner in her, not doubting but there they might be safe. And the passengers had no cause to repent them of their confidence; for, in effect, God delivered them, more than once, miraculously from shipwreck.
A furious tempest, almost at their first setting out, cast them upon banks of sand, and the keel struck so far into it, that they could not get her off; when, against all human appearances, the wind coming about, and blowing full in their faces, disengaged the vessel; and, that it might manifestly appear to be the hand of God, the blast ceased that very moment when the keel was loosened from the sands.
Not long after, at the entry into the gulph of Ceylon, they struck impetuously against some hidden shelves, the rudder flying off with the fury of the stroke, the keel stuck fast within the rock; and it was a miracle that the vessel, being so crazy, did not split asunder. The mariners did that on this occasion, which is commonly put in practice in extremity of danger: They cut the masts with their hatchets, but that being of no effect, they were going to throw all their lading overboard, to ease the ship; but the fury of the waves, which beat upon her on every side, and outrageously tossed her, suffered them not to perform what they desired. Then they had their last recourse to the intercession of that saint, whose corpse they carried. Having drawn it out of the pilot’s cabin, they fell on their knees about it with lighted flambeaux; and, as if Father Xavier had been yet living, and that he had beheld and heard them, they begged succour of him from that eminent destruction.
Their prayer was scarcely ended, when they heard a rumbling noise from underneath the vessel; and at the same time, perceived her following her course in open sea: from whence they concluded, that the rock was cleft in pieces, and had left a free passage for the ship.