Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 369 pages of information about Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know.

Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 369 pages of information about Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know.

Aladdin went out of the sultan’s palace in a condition of exceeding humiliation.  The lords who had courted him in the days of his splendour, now declined to have any communication with him.  For three days he wandered about the city, exciting the wonder and compassion of the multitude by asking everybody he met if they had seen his palace, or could tell him anything of it.  On the third day he wandered into the country, and as he was approaching a river, he fell down the bank with so much violence that he rubbed the ring which the magician had given him so hard by holding on the rock to save himself, that immediately the same genie appeared whom he had seen in the cave where the magician had left him.  “What wouldst thou have?” said the genie, “I am ready to obey thee as thy slave, and the slave of all those that have that ring on their finger; both I and the other slaves of the ring.”

Aladdin, agreeably surprised at an offer of help so little expected, replied, “Genie, show me where the palace I caused to be built now stands, or transport it back where it first stood.”  “Your command,” answered the genie, “is not wholly in my power; I am only the slave of the ring, and not of the lamp.”  “I command thee, then,” replied Aladdin, “by the power of the ring, to transport me to the spot where my palace stands, in what part of the world soever it may be.”  These words were no sooner out of his mouth, than the genie transported him into Africa, to the midst of a large plain, where his palace stood, at no great distance from a city, and placing him exactly under the window of the princess’s apartment, left him.

Now it so happened that shortly after Aladdin had been transported by the slave of the ring to the neighbourhood of his palace, that one of the attendants of the Princess Buddir al Buddoor, looking through the window, perceived him and instantly told her mistress.  The princess, who could not believe the joyful tidings, hastened herself to the window, and seeing Aladdin, immediately opened it.  The noise of opening the window made Aladdin turn his head that way, and perceiving the princess, he saluted her with an air that expressed his joy.  “To lose no time,” said she to him, “I have sent to have the private door opened for you; enter and come up.”

The private door, which was just under the princess’s apartment, was soon opened, and Aladdin conducted up into the chamber.  It is impossible to express the joy of both at seeing each other, after so cruel a separation.  After embracing and shedding tears of joy, they sat down, and Aladdin said, “I beg of you, princess, to tell me what is become of an old lamp which stood upon a shelf in my robing-chamber.”

“Alas!” answered the princess, “I was afraid our misfortune might be owing to that lamp; and what grieves me most is, that I have been the cause of it.  I was foolish enough to change the old lamp for a new one, and the next morning I found myself in this unknown country, which I am told is Africa.”

Project Gutenberg
Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.