Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 369 pages of information about Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know.

Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 369 pages of information about Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know.
forced, by the power of enchantment, to meet the wicked magician every night in the middle of the forest.  Jack now put on his coat of darkness, and his shoes of swiftness, and was there before her.  When the lady came, she gave the handkerchief to the magician.  Jack with his sword of sharpness, at one blow, cut off his head; the enchantment was then ended in a moment, and the lady was restored to her former virtue and goodness.

She was married to the prince on the next day, and soon after went back with her royal husband, and a great company, to the court of King Arthur, where they were received with loud and joyful welcomes; and the valiant hero Jack, for the many great exploits he had done for the good of his country, was made one of the Knights of the Round Table.  As Jack had been so lucky in all his adventures, he resolved not to be idle for the future, but still to do what services he could for the honour of the king and the nation.  He therefore humbly begged his majesty to furnish him with a horse and money, that he might travel in search of new and strange exploits.  “For,” said he to the king, “there are many giants yet living in the remote parts of Wales, to the great terror and distress of your majesty’s subjects; therefore if it please you, sire, to favour me in my design, I will soon rid your kingdom of these giants and monsters in human shape.”  Now when the king heard this offer, and began to think of the cruel deeds of these blood-thirsty giants and savage monsters, he gave Jack every thing proper for such a journey.  After this Jack took leave of the king, the prince, and all the knights, and set off; taking with him his cap of knowledge, his sword of sharpness, his shoes of swiftness, and his invisible coat, the better to perform the great exploits that might fall in his way.  He went along over high hills and lofty mountains, and on the third day he came to a large wide forest, through which his road led.  He had hardly entered the forest, when on a sudden he heard very dreadful shrieks and cries.  He forced his way through the trees, and saw a monstrous giant dragging along by the hair of their heads a handsome knight and his beautiful lady.  Their tears and cries melted the heart of honest Jack to pity and compassion; he alighted from his horse, and tying him to an oak tree he put on his invisible coat, under which he carried his sword of sharpness.

When he came up to the giant, he made several strokes at him, but could not reach his body, on account of the enormous height of the terrible creature, but he wounded his thighs in several places; and at length, putting both hands to his sword, and aiming with all his might, he cut off both the giant’s legs just below the garter; and the trunk of his body tumbling to the ground, made not only the trees shake, but the earth itself tremble with the force of his fall.  Then Jack, setting his foot upon his neck, exclaimed, “Thou barbarous and savage wretch, behold I

Project Gutenberg
Fairy Tales Every Child Should Know from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.