Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 295 pages of information about Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil,.

Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 295 pages of information about Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil,.
to convince me of the fact, my reply being, that I had too long been accustomed to rely in your Lordship’s integrity to believe any such report without proof.
Yesterday the same person came again to my house to inform me that the matter was cleared beyond doubt, for that the master of the Doris frigate had told him that the two boxes of gold and silver were on board, directed as above-mentioned.  This report has created great sensation here, and the greatest pains are being taken to spread it far and wide.  On making inquiry on board the Doris, Captain Wilkinson and myself found that no packages of the kind were on board, and on telling the parties engaged in spreading the report the result of our inquiry, they seemed much chopfallen, but would not retract their charge, which I am certain they intend to carry to the Supreme Director, the consequence of which would be, that were the report true or false, the Government would blame your Lordship, and accuse us of being your abettors; whilst, as the want of pay and prize-money renders the officers irritable, they are ready for anything and everything which might promise to relieve their necessities.
I have told your Lordship all I know, and have conceived the rumour to be of so much importance, as to send one of my own horses with the little doctor to inform you immediately of what is going on, as such reports ought not to be treated lightly.  I beg to subscribe myself, with the greatest respect,

   Your Lordship’s grateful Servant,


Another letter, from Captain Wilkinson, was to the same effect:—­


A report is in circulation that your Lordship has put on board the British frigate Doris nine thousand ounces in gold.  I feel it my duty to acquaint you of this, as no person can have your Lordship’s reputation more at heart than myself.  I have been told this by two or three persons after your Lordship left for Quintero, and in the evening by Moyell, who must have known it to be false, and I declared it so to him.  I trust your Lordship will be able to trace the shameless offender.

   I am, my Lord, &c. &c.


As soon as these letters were received, I lost no time in repairing to Valparaiso, not doubting that Zenteno and the Peruvian agents were again at work to disorganize the squadron, and in case of the overthrow of the Supreme Director, which was still impending, to place it in the hands of San Martin.  The object of the party was to cause dissension amongst the seamen, by making them believe that, amidst their poverty and sufferings, I had been taking care of myself, and hence they hoped to destroy that confidence in me which officers and men had all along exhibited, notwithstanding their privations.  As they had never before been so wretchedly destitute, this circumstance was considered favourable to the impression, that having secured all I could for myself, I was about to abandon them.

Project Gutenberg
Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil, from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.