The Inheritors eBook

Joseph M. Carey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 241 pages of information about The Inheritors.

The Inheritors eBook

Joseph M. Carey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 241 pages of information about The Inheritors.

“You look a bit fagged,” I said, “perhaps we ought not to talk about work.”  His thoughts seemed to come back from a great distance, oh, from an infinite distance beyond the horizon, the soft hills of that fat country.  “You want rest,” I added.

“I—­oh, no,” he answered, “I can’t have it ... till the end of the session.  I’m used to it too.”

He began talking briskly about the “Cromwell;” proofs had emerged from the infinite and wanted attention.  There were innumerable little matters, things to be copied for the appendix and revisions.  It was impossible for me to keep my mind upon them.

It had come suddenly home to me that this was the world that I belonged to; that I had come back to it as if from an under world; that to this I owed allegiance.  She herself had recognised that; she herself had bidden me tell him what was a-gate against him.  It was a duty too; he was my friend.  But, face to face with him, it became almost an impossibility.  It was impossible even to put it into words.  The mere ideas seemed to be untranslatable, to savour of madness.  I found myself in the very position that she had occupied at the commencement of our relations:  that of having to explain—­say, to a Persian—­the working principles of the telegraph.  And I was not equal to the task.  At the same time I had to do something.  I had to.  It would be abominable to have to go through life forever, alone with the consciousness of that sort of treachery of silence.  But how could I tell him even the comprehensibles?  What kind of sentence was I to open with?  With pluckings of an apologetic string, without prelude at all—­or how?  I grew conscious that there was need for haste; he was looking behind him down the long white road for the carriage that was to pick us up.

“My dear fellow....”  I began.  He must have noted a change in my tone, and looked at me with suddenly lifted eyebrows.  “You know my sister is going to marry Mr. Gurnard.”

“Why, no,” he answered—­“that is ...  I’ve heard....” he began to offer good wishes.

“No, no,” I interrupted him hurriedly, “not that.  But I happen to know that Gurnard is meditating ... is going to separate from you in public matters.”  An expression of dismay spread over his face.

“My dear fellow,” he began.

“Oh, I’m not drunk,” I said bitterly, “but I’ve been behind the scenes—­for a long time.  And I could not ... couldn’t let the thing go on without a word.”

He stopped in the road and looked at me.

“Yes, yes,” he said, “I daresay....  But what does it lead to?...  Even if I could listen to you—­I can’t go behind the scenes.  Mr. Gurnard may differ from me in points, but don’t you see?...”  He had walked on slowly, but he came to a halt again.  “We had better put these matters out of our minds.  Of course you are not drunk; but one is tied down in these matters....”

Project Gutenberg
The Inheritors from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.