The Inheritors eBook

Joseph M. Carey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 241 pages of information about The Inheritors.

The Inheritors eBook

Joseph M. Carey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 241 pages of information about The Inheritors.

I heard the nature of the Fourth Dimension—­heard that it was an inhabited plane—­invisible to our eyes, but omnipresent; heard that I had seen it when Bell Harry had reeled before my eyes.  I heard the Dimensionists described:  a race clear-sighted, eminently practical, incredible; with no ideals, prejudices, or remorse; with no feeling for art and no reverence for life; free from any ethical tradition; callous to pain, weakness, suffering and death, as if they had been invulnerable and immortal.  She did not say that they were immortal, however.  “You would—­you will—­hate us,” she concluded.  And I seemed only then to come to myself.  The power of her imagination was so great that I fancied myself face to face with the truth.  I supposed she had been amusing herself; that she should have tried to frighten me was inadmissible.  I don’t pretend that I was completely at my ease, but I said, amiably:  “You certainly have succeeded in making these beings hateful.”

“I have made nothing,” she said with a faint smile, and went on amusing herself.  She would explain origins, now.

“Your”—­she used the word as signifying, I suppose, the inhabitants of the country, or the populations of the earth—­“your ancestors were mine, but long ago you were crowded out of the Dimension as we are to-day, you overran the earth as we shall do to-morrow.  But you contracted diseases, as we shall contract them,—­beliefs, traditions; fears; ideas of pity ... of love.  You grew luxurious in the worship of your ideals, and sorrowful; you solaced yourselves with creeds, with arts—­you have forgotten!”

She spoke with calm conviction; with an overwhelming and dispassionate assurance.  She was stating facts; not professing a faith.  We approached a little roadside inn.  On a bench before the door a dun-clad country fellow was asleep, his head on the table.

“Put your fingers in your ears,” my companion commanded.

I humoured her.

I saw her lips move.  The countryman started, shuddered, and by a clumsy, convulsive motion of his arms, upset his quart.  He rubbed his eyes.  Before he had voiced his emotions we had passed on.

“I have seen a horse-coper do as much for a stallion,” I commented.  “I know there are words that have certain effects.  But you shouldn’t play pranks like the low-comedy devil in Faustus.”

“It isn’t good form, I suppose?” she sneered.

“It’s a matter of feeling,” I said, hotly, “the poor fellow has lost his beer.”

“What’s that to me?” she commented, with the air of one affording a concrete illustration.

“It’s a good deal to him,” I answered.

“But what to me?”

Project Gutenberg
The Inheritors from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.