England's Case Against Home Rule eBook

A. V. Dicey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about England's Case Against Home Rule.

England's Case Against Home Rule eBook

A. V. Dicey
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about England's Case Against Home Rule.
(a.) The law relating to the offices of profit enumerated in Schedule H. to the Representation of the People Act, 1867, shall apply to such offices of profit in the government of Ireland not exceeding ten, as the Legislature of Ireland may from time to time direct;

     (b.) After the first dissolution of the Legislative Body, the
     Legislature of Ireland may, subject to the restrictions in this Act
     mentioned, alter the laws and customs in this section mentioned.

[Sidenote:  Regulations for carrying Act into effect.]

35.—­(1.) The Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland may make regulations for the following purposes:—­

(a.) The summoning of the Legislative Body and the election of a Speaker, and such adaptation to the proceedings of the Legislative Body of the procedure of the House of Commons as appears to him expedient for facilitating the conduct of business by that body on their first meeting;

     (b.) The adaptation of any law relating to the election of
     representative peers;

(c.) The adaptation of any laws and customs relating to the House of Commons or the members thereof to the elective members of the first order and to members of the second order of the Legislative Body; and
(d.) The mode of signifying their assent or election under this Act by representative peers or Irish members of the House of Commons as regards becoming members of the Irish Legislative Body in pursuance of this Act.

(2.) Any regulations so made shall, in so far as they concern the procedure of the Legislative Body, be subject to alteration by Standing Orders of that Body, and so far as they concern other matters, be subject to alteration by the Legislature of Ireland, but shall, until alteration, have the same effect as if they were inserted in this Act.

[Sidenote:  Saving of powers of House of Lords.]

36.  Save as is in this Act provided with respect to matters to be decided by Her Majesty in Council, nothing in this Act shall affect the appellate jurisdiction of the House of Lords in respect of actions and suits in Ireland, or the jurisdiction of the House of Lords to determine the claims to Irish peerages.

[Sidenote:  Saving of rights of Parliament.]

37. Save as herein expressly provided all matters in relation to which it is not competent for the Irish Legislative Body to make or repeal laws shall remain and be within the exclusive authority of the Imperial Parliament, whose power and authority in relation thereto, save as aforesaid, shall in nowise be diminished or restrained by anything herein contained.[75]

[Sidenote:  Continuance of existing laws, courts, officers, &c.]

Project Gutenberg
England's Case Against Home Rule from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.