The Forest Runners eBook

Joseph Alexander Altsheler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 295 pages of information about The Forest Runners.

The Forest Runners eBook

Joseph Alexander Altsheler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 295 pages of information about The Forest Runners.

“I think,” said Henry, “that it would be best for us to walk, as fast as we can on the back track, and then try to dry out our clothing a little.”

He started at once, and Paul walked swiftly by his side.  The rivulets that ran from their clothing decreased to tiny streams, and then only drops fell.  The sinking sun shot sheaves of brilliant beams upon them, and soon Paul felt a grateful warmth, driving for the time the chill from his bones.  He swung his arms as he walked, as much as the rifles would allow, and nearly every muscle in his frame felt the touch of vigorous exercise.  His clothing dried rapidly.

Two hours and three hours passed, and they heard no more the cries of the warriors calling to each other.  Silence again hung over the wilderness.  Rabbits sprang up from the thickets.  A deer, frightened by the sound of the boys’ footsteps, held up his head, listened a moment, and then fled away among the trees.  Henry took his presence as a sign that no other human being had passed that way in the last hour.

The sun sank, the twilight came and died, and darkness clothed the wilderness.  Then Henry stopped.

“Paul,” he said, “I’ve got some venison in my knapsack, but you and I ought to have a fire.  While our clothes are drying outside they are still wet inside and we can’t afford to have a chill, or be so stiff that we can’t run.  You know we may have another run or two yet.”

“But do we dare make a fire?” asked Paul.

“I think so.  I can hide the blaze, and the night is so dark that the smoke won’t show.”

He plunged deeper into the thickets, and came to a rocky place, full of gullies and cavelike hollows.  It was so dark that Paul could see only his dim form ahead.  Presently their course led downward, and Henry stopped in one of the sheltered depressions.

“Now we’ll make our fire,” he said.

It was pitchy black where they stood.  The walls of the hollow rose far above their heads, and its crest was lined on every side with giant trees and dense undergrowth.

The two boys dragged up dead leaves and brushwood, and Henry patiently ignited the heap with his flint and steel.  A tiny blaze arose, but he did not permit it to grow into a flame.  Heavier logs were placed upon the top, and the fire only burned beneath, amid the small boughs.  Smoke arose, but it was lost in the black heavens.  The fire, thus confined, burned fiercely and rapidly within its narrow limits, and a fine bed of coals soon formed.  It was time!  The night had come on cold, and the chill returned to Paul’s veins.  Before the fire was lighted he had begun to shiver, but when the deep bed of coals was formed, he sat before it and basked in the grateful and glowing heat.

Project Gutenberg
The Forest Runners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.