Elsie's Womanhood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about Elsie's Womanhood.

Elsie's Womanhood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 330 pages of information about Elsie's Womanhood.

Mr. Howard, too, was cordial in his greeting, but Louise and Enna met them with coldness and disdain, albeit they were mere pensioners upon Horace’s bounty, self-invited guests in his house.

Louise gave the tips of her fingers to each, in sullen silence, while Enna drew back from the offered hands, muttering, “A set of Yankees come to spy out the nakedness of the land; don’t give a hand to them, children.”

“As you like,” Mr. Dinsmore answered indifferently, stepping past her to speak to Mrs. Murray and the servants; “you know I will do a brother’s part by my widowed sisters all the same.”

“For shame, Enna!” said Lora; “you are here in Horace’s house, and neither he nor the others ever took part against us.”

“I don’t care, it was nearly as bad to stay away and give no help,” muttered the offender, giving Elsie a look of scorn and aversion.

“Be quiet, will you, Madam Johnson,” said her old father; “it would be no more than right if Horace should turn you out of the house.  Elsie,” seeing tears coursing the cheeks of the latter, “don’t distress yourself, child; she’s not worth minding.”

“That is quite true, little wife,” said Mr. Travilla; “and though you have felt for her sorrows, do not let her unkindness wound you.”

Elsie wiped away her tears, but only waiting to speak to Mrs. Murray and the servants, retired immediately to the privacy of her own apartments, Mr. Travilla accompanying her with their children and attendants.

Wearied with her journey, and already saddened by the desolations of the country over which they had passed, this cold, and even insulting reception from the aunts—­over whose bereavements she had wept in tender sympathy—­cut her to the quick.

“Oh, Edward, how can they behave so to papa and mamma in their own house!” she said, sitting down upon a sofa in her boudoir and laying aside her hat, while her eyes again overflowed; “dear papa and mamma, who are always so kind!”

“And you, too, dearest,” he said, placing himself by her side and putting an arm about her.  “It is shameful conduct, but do not allow it to trouble you.”

“I will try not to mind it, but let me cry; I shall get over it the sooner.  I never thought to feel so uncomfortable in my father’s house.  Ah, if Ion were only ready for us!” she sighed.

“I am glad that your home must be with me for the present, daughter, if you can only enjoy it,” said her father, who, still ever watchful over her happiness, had followed to soothe and comfort her.  “It grieves me that your feelings should have been so wounded,” he added, seating himself on the other side, and taking her hand in his.

“Thank you, dear papa; it is for you and mamma, even more than myself, that I feel hurt.”

“Then never mind it, dearest.  Enna has already coolly told me that she and Louise have settled themselves in the west wing, with their children and servants; where they purpose to maintain a separate establishment, having no desire to associate with any of us; though I, of course, am to supply their table at my own expense, as well as whatever else is needed,” he added, with a slight laugh of mingled amusement and vexation.

Project Gutenberg
Elsie's Womanhood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.