authorities have been able to offer, there have been
many cases in which bitter complaints have been raised
that young people had been induced to prepare themselves
for some walk in life in which there was no demand
for their services. Of course, the more knowledge
is required in various industries the more scope there
will be for those who have had a long training, but
there is nothing more injurious to the State than to
turn out a number of persons who have had a prolonged
academic training, but who are not able to do something
for which there is a demand, and for which the world
is willing to pay. The results of such a course
of action may be seen on a large scale in India.
In one of the colleges of an Indian University in
a large manufacturing town, fourteen young men—very
agreeable and frank, outspoken fellows—met
at random in one of the hostels, were asked what,
on completing their college course, they intended
to do; twelve answered to become “pleaders,”
and two hoped for something in the Government service.
None proposed to follow manufacturing industry, agriculture,
or commerce. The legal profession which they
proposed to enter was so crowded that pleaders are
said to have been competing with each other to obtain
cases by a kind of Dutch auction regarding fees, and
also to promote litigation wilfully in order to obtain
a living. It is from a kind of “intellectual
proletariat” in all countries, that dangerous
political agitators are drawn who take up political
life not to improve the conditions of their fellows,
but to find some sort of a career for themselves,
having no useful occupation to turn to.
[Footnote 5: Since the above lines were written I hear that a Committee of Inquiry has been appointed by the Government to report on the subject.]
How shall we better distribute the product of industry, and allay the unrest of which we hear so much? There’s only one way—by improving our methods of production. To effect this the earnest and active co-operation between those engaged in industry must be employed.
_... No longer must a man be supported by his union when he refuses to mind two lathes because the custom of the factory confines him to one. No longer must an employer assign as a reason for cutting prices that the man’s wages are too high.... Each side must endeavour better to understand the outlook of the other._—SIR HUGH BELL.
The second grievance mentioned in the Quarterly article already referred to is: “The wages are too low.” To remedy this grievance, increased productivity, along with greater economy in working, is the first essential in order to obtain the funds out of which higher wages can be paid; the second, to get a fair allocation and distribution of the profit made. Increased benefit will also be a stimulus to better work.