Gwaith Alun eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Gwaith Alun.

Gwaith Alun eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about Gwaith Alun.



Cardigan, March 30th, 1835.


Old recollections—­and recollections dearer for being old—­make Broncoed and the name of Whitley much dearer to my memory and heart than other names and places.  My own former humble home is now another’s,—­I know it no more; and there is scarcely a house now in the parish into which I would venture to turn besides yours, your cousin’s, Mr. Clough’s and two or three more.  Yet, I feel a tie between me and Mold and its inhabitants, which nothing but death can unloose.  There lies the grave of my dear, though poor parents, and there burst the dawn of my brightest days.  The same Providence which smiled upon the beginning of my happier years, continues kind still.  I have indeed abundant reason to thank heaven for the many, many blessings which have been showered upon my path; nor do I forget the kind hands which were employed in showering them, and your own amongst the number.

When I first came to Manordeifi, there was but one service on the Sunday, and that almost entirely in Welsh.  Seeing that five of the principal families in Pembrokeshire were under my pastoral care, and that neither themselves nor their dependants understood any Welsh, I established two services, one entirely English, the other exclusively in our beloved Welsh.


Pan guddio nos ein daear gu
   O dan ei du adenydd,
Y clywir dy delori mwyn,
   A chor y llwyn yn llonydd;
Ac os bydd pigyn dan dy fron
   Yn peri i’th galon guro,
Ni wnai, nes torro’r wawrddydd hael,
   Ond canu a gadael iddo.

A thebyg it’ yw’r feinir war
   Sydd gymar gwell na gemau,
Er cilio haul, a hulio bro
   A miloedd o gymylau;
Pan dawo holl gysurwyr dydd,
   Hi lyna yn ffyddlonaf;
Yn nyfnder nos o boen a thrais
   Y dyry lais felusaf.

Er dichon fod ei chalon wan
   Yn delwi dan y dulid,
Ni chwyna, i flino’i hanwyl rai,—­
   Ei gwen a guddia’i gofid: 
Ni pheidia’i chan trwy ddunos faith,
   Nes gweled gobaith goleu
Yn t’wynu, megys llygad aur,
   Trwy bur amrantau’r boreu.


Pa sawl bron a oerodd yma? 
   Pa sawl llygad ga’dd ei gloi? 
Pa sawl un sydd yn y gladdfa,
   A’r cof o honynt wedi ffoi? 
Pa sawl gwaith, ar wawr a gosber
   Swniai’r gloch ar hyd y glyn? 
Pa sawl Ave, cred a phader,
   Dd’wedwyd rhwng y muriau hyn?

Ar y gareg sydd gyferbyn,
   A faluriwyd gan yr hin,
Tybiaf weld, o flaen ei eilun,
   Ryw bererin ar ei lin;
Tybiaf fod y mwg o’r thuser
   Eto’n codi’n golofn wen,
A bod swn yr organ seinber
   Eto yn dadseinio’r nen.

Project Gutenberg
Gwaith Alun from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.