The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 362 pages of information about The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation.

The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 362 pages of information about The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation.

If a man starts a ranch to raise cattle he protects the females in raising their young.  He will kill the animals that will destroy his stock, and if he produces the pelt or scalp of these animals the state pays him a bounty.  How is it with the human mothers?  They produce the most valuable offspring, but this licensed traffic is defended, while children are murdered before our eyes and our hands are tied so we cannot rescue them.  No one will say but that woman represents more morality than man, also that the mother is more interested in the children than the father; then of course, the party who has the most care and love should be allowed the largest privilege to exercise it.

America claims more civilization than any other nation on earth.  In the main this is so.  But certainly she is not true to the motherhood, and this is her peril..  Some of the best reigns have been those of queens.  All nations have had their women rulers, but the mothers of America are not allowed to say who shall be the ones to help them make good citizens of their own children, while their bitter foes prey upon their offspring as cannibals.  A widow with six sons has a little home.  She is taxed the same in proportion as the brewer, who carries on the human butcher-shop that grinds up the six sons of the widow.  He and his crowd (republicans and democrats) have the ballot that smashes the poor widow’s boys and takes her substance to prosecute her boys after they are made criminals, to pay for their arrest, to build a jail for them.  Her heart is broken, home is gone, and disgrace is hers.  To accomplish this she is rendered helpless by having no voice or ballot to protect herself.  God never made an animal that he did not give it some means of defense.  While I am writing this I am in Bridgeport, Connecticut.  I find this a city of eighty-two thousand.  The president of the board of education is P. W. Wren, who is president of the Connecticut Breweries and owner of one of the largest wholesale whiskey houses in the state.  This is as consistent as if one were to start a ranch to raise chickens, ducks, pigs and calves and then place a wolf to guard them from harm, The business of the brewer is to sell beer.  No animal but mankind will use this rotten slop, for the others by instinct know it is poison.  No man would let his horses drink it, for they would be dangerous instead of being useful.  The only way to make the brewer’s business profitable is to have boys and girls as consumers.  The brewer is not the worst to blame.  It is the voter.  Mothers would never vote for such a man to be the public guardian of the morals of their children.  All liquor men, or liquor license men, are opposed to woman’s suffrage, for the reason that should women vote, we would have prohibition or abolition of the vice.  The women saved prohibition in Topeka in the year 1903 by five hundred majority, while it would have been lost by two hundred if men only had

Project Gutenberg
The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.