When I had company I always directed the conversation
so that my friend would teach me something, or I would
teach him. I would read the poets, and Scott’s
writings and history. Read Josephus, mythology
and the Bible together, and never read a course that
taught me as much. I would go to the country dances
and sometimes to balls in the City. The church
did not object to this: I would teach Sunday
school at the same time. No one taught me that
this was wrong. One thing was a tower of defense
to me. I always, when possible, read the Bible
and would pray. After retiring would get up and
kneel, feeling that to pray in bed only, was disrespectful
to God. If the angels in heaven would prostrate
themselves before Him, I a poor sinner should.
And right here, I believe in “advancing on your
knees.” Abraham prostrated himself, so
did David and Solomon, Elijah, Daniel, Paul, and even
our sinless Advocate. Why did the Holy Ghost state
the position so often? For our example, of course.
There are no space writers in the Scriptures.
I often had doubts as to whether the Bible was the
work of God or man. I kept these doubts to myself,
for I thought infidelity a disgrace. I wanted
to believe the Bible the word of God. I early
saw that to close the Bible was to shut out all knowledge
of the purpose of life. Without its revelations
one does not know why we are born, why we live, or
where we go after death. We can see the purpose
of all nature, but not of this life of ours, and God
had, by revelation, to make this known.
The Bible was a mystery to me. It often seemed
to be a contradiction. I did not love to read
it, but above all things, I did not want to be a hypocrite.
I was determined to try to do my part. I would
pray for the same thing over and over again, so as
to be in earnest, and think of what I was asking.
My mind was distracted by thoughts of the world.
I said, if there is a God, he will not hear the prayer
of those, so disrespectful as not to think of what
they ask. I never seemed to get rid of this, unless
at times, when I would have some sorrow of heart.
“By the sadness of the countenance, the heart
is made better.”
I do not believe the Bible because I understand it;
for there are few things of revelation that I do understand.
Creation is a mystery, still we know everything had
a beginning. I do not know why things grow out
of the earth. Why they are green. Why grass
makes wool on a sheep and hair on a cow, but I know
these are facts. I cannot understand why or how
the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from sin, neither
do I understand that greatest of all mysteries, the
new birth, but nothing more positively a fact in my
God is not perceived by the five senses. The
things that are seen are temporal, but those that
are unseen are eternal. What a sin of presumption
to question God in any of His providences. What
God says and does is wisdom, righteousness and power.