The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 362 pages of information about The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation.

The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 362 pages of information about The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation.
pray to God to give this great blessing to me or a witness that he had done so.  These sisters were Mrs. Painter, Green and Marvin.  I also prayed for myself.  In about ten days from that time I was in my sitting room.  It was raining.  A minister and his daughter were at our house (Mr. Laurance, a Baptist).  We were all quietly reading in the room.  I was in meditation, praying and saying:  “Just now, blessed Father, give me the witness.”  Then a wonderful thing took place, which it is not “lawful” or possible for me to utter.  Something was poured on top of my bead, running all over and through me, which I call divine electricity.  The two persons who were in the room, Mr. Laurance and his daughter, were very much startled, for I jumped up, clapped my hands, saying:  “I have this from God, this divine Gift.”  I went below in the basement that I might give vent to my gratitude, and under my breath I walked up and down, thanking, praising, crying and laughing.

Like the woman that found the piece of silver that was lost, I had to tell my neighbors.  I wrapped myself up to be protected from the rain, and ran to Sister Painters, near by, then to Sister Dollars and Marvin’s and several others, to tell them of my great blessing.

When I returned I opened my Bible.  Every word and every letter was surrounded with a bright light.  I turned over the leaves, and I saw the meaning on the pages at a glance.  There was a new light and meaning.  I have never been able to express that experience in any other way than to say I was “eating” the word of God.  I could now understand why we do not understand the figures and expressions used in the Bible, because I have had several experiences, that were impossible to explain by human language.

I told Mr. Nation that the Bible was a new book to me, tried to explain to him; told him I now saw the meaning of everything.  He said:  “Explain Lazarus and the rich man.”  I turned to it instantly.  The divine light gave a new meaning to me.  I commented thus as I read it:  “This rich man is the Jewish nation, with its gorgeous temple service.  The poor man is the Gentile nations called dogs, no temple, no altar, no God, no healing; like a man with an incurable loathsome disease.  These begged from the Jews the crumbs that fell to their dogs.  This rich man had much goods.  He could have shared to bless, but through lack of charity he withheld.

The beggar died, and angels took him to Abraham’s bosom, the very place the Jews thought was only for them.  This is a figure of the death to sin, and the life to righteousness.  The natural must die before the spiritual can live.  The rich man died, and was buried.  The Jewish nation died as it is here predicted, and in hell, he lifted up his eyes, being in torments.  It is not said that the Gentiles, or Lazarus were buried.  The Jews as a nation are dead, never to be resurrected.  They have been scattered abroad in torments, a people without a land, a hiss and a by-word, as God said.  The Jew sees the Gentiles with the good things, he once had.  Has time and time again begged relief from them.  The Jews wish no companionship in their misery, have no missionaries.  Five is a number applied to humanity.—­five senses, five fingers, five toes.  The gulf spoken of as being impassable, is the separateness of the Jews from all others.

Project Gutenberg
The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.