The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 362 pages of information about The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation.

The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 362 pages of information about The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation.
my prayer.  Oh, pray much and look out for enemies in the guise of friends.  They will fool you if you don’t look out, for you are doing more good than all the temperance workers combined.  God bless you; keep at it, and nothing else, for your work is only the beginning of the greatest temperance and prohibition reform that has ever been.  Now it all depends on your not being sidetracked by supposed temperance reformers.  Don’t allow any mortal person to stop you, but push the battle to a finish.  I have known of so many reformers making a good start but about the time the thing begins to boil right well and a prospect of doing something, some supposed helpers come in and capture the whole outfit and put a stop to the move.  But I trust in the Lord that this is not a case of that kind.  If you have time I would appreciate a reply from you.  Write me here as I will be here for about ten days, after that my mail will be forwarded.  My permanent address is Fort Worth, Texas, care Polytechnic College. 
                         Yours for liberty from rum,
                                             J. G. Adams.


Old Soldier’s Home, Leavenworth, Kan., February 14, 1901.—­Mrs. Carrie Nation:—­As I have read of your grand success in Topeka, and elsewhere I wish to congratulate.  For God’s sake come to the Soldier’s Home and save the Old Veterans.  Bring your hatchet along and clear out the Canteen in the Home.  Congress recently passed a law for all Canteens to be closed on United States reservations, the officials of the Home claim the law does not apply to the Old Soldiers’ Home.  Last year the officials of the Home were very anxious to have the saloons closed in the Klondike near the Home, for the protection of the Veterans; as it did not bring the revenue into the Home, we are to be paid in one week.  Come at once and close the joint in the Home.  Over 70 half-barrels of beer are sold in on day at the Home after Pension day. 
                                   Respectfully, old soldier.


Indianapolis, Ind.—­“Mrs. Carrie Nation, Wichita, Kan:—­As a preface I feel it my duty to extend to you my sincere apology for encroaching these lines for your consideration during the trying hours of your incarceration, but as the purport of my letter undoubtedly differs, materially in text, from the countless hundreds you have received, I feel assured that the sentiment involved, originated as it has, solely from the spirit and intrepid aggressiveness you have exploited in the suppression of that paramount curse of mankind, Drink! will, in a measure, justify you in condoning these lines.

Project Gutenberg
The Use and Need of the Life of Carry A. Nation from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.