Matthew Henry died 1714.
Karl Wilhelm von Humboldt born 1767.
H. Rider Haggard born 1856.
The safe and general antidote
against sorrow is employment. Sorrow
is a kind of rust in the soul,
which every new idea contributes in
its passage to scour away.
—Dr. Johnson.
We may be sure that one principle will hold throughout the whole pursuit of thoughtful happiness—the principle that the best way to secure future happiness is to be as happy as is rightfully possible to-day. To secure any desirable capacity for the future, near or remote, cultivate it to-day. What would be the use of immortality for a person who cannot use well half an hour? asks Emerson.
—Charles W. Eliot.
Strengthen ye the weak hands,
and confirm the feeble knees. Say to
them that are of a fearful
heart, Be strong, fear not.
—Isaiah 35. 3, 4.
Loving Father, help me that I may realize the depth of thy love. If I may be discouraged over my failures, speak to me hopefully and lead me out where I may find the right way to succeed. May I not be kept in sorrow, but find each day the happiness that brings a thankful heart. Amen.
Mark Akenside died 1770.
John Fill born 1625.
Josephine born 1763
we by a wish
Have what we will and get
the future now,
Would we wish aught done undone
in the past?
So, let him wait God’s
instant men call years;
Meantime hold hard by truth
and his great soul,
Do out the duty! Through
such souls alone
God stooping shows sufficient
of his light
For us i’ the dark to
rise by. And I rise.
—Robert Browning.
Press not thy purpose on thy
Urge not thy erring
Nor dictate to the Eternal
Nor doubt thy
Maker’s skill.
—Lydia H. Sigourney.
Cause me to hear thy loving-kindness
in the morning;
For in thee do I trust:
Cause me to know the way wherein
I should walk;
For I lift up my soul unto
—Psalm 143. 8.
My Father, help me to see that in my portion of work thou hast entrusted me to help further thy kingdom. Correct me if I am wrong in interpreting thy way. May I concentrate my mind and make my heart and hands do the work which thou hast given for me to do. Amen.
Jean Baptiste Massillon born 1663.
Alexandre Dumas born 1803.
Henry Ward Beecher born 1813.
General Lord Kitchener born 1850.
All the world cries, “Where is the man who will save us?” Don’t look so far for this man, you have him at hand. This man—it is you, it is I, it is each one of us! How to constitute oneself a man? Nothing harder if one knows not how to will it; nothing easier if one wills it.
—Alexandre Dumas.