—James Russell Lowell.
Six days thou shalt do thy
work, and on the seventh day thou shalt
—Exodus 23. 12.
My Father, I pray for the love of work, and the desire to cultivate life. Stir me, that I may be ambitious. May I not stare at life in an everyday way and forget that others are watching for the surprises. Help me to be considerate and kind in all that I do. Amen.
Socrates born B.C. 469.
Dr. Adam Smith born 1723.
Karl Maria von Weber died 1826.
O. Henry died 1910.
You think that upon the score of foreknowledge and divining I am infinitely inferior to the swans. When they perceive approaching death they sing more merrily than before, because of the joy they have in going to the God they serve.
O yet we trust that somehow
Will be the final
goal of ill,
To pangs of nature,
sins of will,
Defects of doubt, and taints
of blood;
That nothing walks with aimless
That not one life
shall be destroyed,
Or cast as rubbish
to the void,
When God hath made the pile
—Alfred Tennyson.
How precious is thy lovingkindness,
O God! And the children of men
take refuge under the shadow
of thy wings.
—Psalm 36. 7.
Eternal God, forbid that I should try to set up thy judgment-seat in so small a place as self, and attempt to render decisions for thee. My soul lives anew as I think of thy love, and that there is no place where thy mercy can be withheld from me. Amen.
Diego R. Velasquez born 1599.
Pierre Corneille born 1606.
Nathan Hale born 1755.
Sir John Stainer born 1840.
These stones that make the
meadow brooklet murmur
Are the keys on
which it plays.
O’er every shelving
rock its touch grows firmer,
Resounding notes
to raise.
If every path o’er which
footsteps wander,
Were smooth as
ocean strand,
There were no theme for gratitude
and wonder
At God’s
delivering hand.
—W. E. Winks.
We also rejoice in our tribulations:
knowing that tribulation
worketh steadfastness; and
steadfastness, approvedness; and
approvedness, hope.
—Romans 5. 3, 4.
My Father, if rain may come to-day, may I realize its help, with the power of the sun, to increase life; and may its influence be sweet and wholesome to me, as I learn that sadness is temporary and will disappear with the coming of gladness. May I go search for the joy that may be mine to-day. Amen.