speak his ‘Address’ at Drury Lane theatre
Eloquence, state of
Endurance, of more worth than talent
ENGLISH BARDS AND SCOTCH REVIEWERS, the groundwork laid before the
appearance of the critique in the ‘Edinburgh Review’
Sent to Mr. Harness
Success of the satire
The author’s regret in having written it
Refusal to republish it
Attempted publication of
Englishman, Otway’s three requisites for an
Ephesus, ruins of
EPIGRAM on Moore’s Operatic Farce, or Farcical Opera
Erskine, Lord, his eloquence
his famous pamphlet
See, also
Essex (George-Capel), fifth Earl of
Euxine, or Black Sea, description of
Ewing, Dr.
Exeter ’Change
Faber, Rev. George
Fainting, sensation of
Falconer, his ‘Shipwreck’
Falkland (Lucius Gary), Viscount, killed in a duel
by Mr. Powell
‘Father of Light! Great God of Heaven!’
Falkner, Mr., Lord Byron’s letter to, with a
copy of his poems
Fall of Terni
Fame, first tidings of, to Lord Byron
See. also
‘FARE THEE WELL, and if for ever’
Farrell, D., esq.
‘Faust,’ Goethe’s
‘Faustus,’ Marlow’s
Fawcett, John, comedian
‘Fazio,’ Milman’s tragedy of
Ferrara, Lord Byron’s visit to
Fersen, Count
Fidler, Ernest
Fielding, ‘the prose Homer of human nature.’
Finlay, Kirkman, esq.
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward
——, William Thomas, esq., poetaster
Flemish school of painting
Fletcher, William (Lord Byron’s valet)
Flood, Right Hon. Henry, his debut in the House of
‘Florence,’ the lady addressed under this
title in ‘Childe Harold’
(Mrs., Spencer
Florence, Lord Byron’s visits to the picture
Foote, Miss, the actress (afterwards, Countess of
Harrington), her
debut in the ‘Child
of Nature’
Forbes, Lady Adelaide
Forresti, G.
Forsyth, Joseph, esq., his ‘Italy’
Fortune, Lord Byron attributed everything to
See, also
‘Foscari, the Two; an Historical Tragedy’
Foscolo, Ugo
His ‘Essay on Petrarch’
Fountain of Arethusa, Lord Byron’s visit to
Fox, Right Hon. Charles James, notice of
His Oratory
——, Henry
‘Frament, A’
‘FRANCESCA OF RIMINI; from the Inferno of Dante’
Francis, Sir Philip, the probable author of ‘Junius’
‘Frankenstein,’ Mrs. Shelley’s
Franklin, Benjamin
Frederick the Second, ’the only monarch worth
recording in Prussian
Free press in Greece
Frere, Right Hon. John Hookham, his ‘Whistlecraft’
Friday, supposed unluckiness of