A Voyage in the 'Sunbeam' eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A Voyage in the 'Sunbeam'.

A Voyage in the 'Sunbeam' eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 552 pages of information about A Voyage in the 'Sunbeam'.

After five o’clock tea we rode up the Mount and through the woods on horseback, along a road gay with masses of wild geranium, hydrangea, amaryllis, and fuchsia.  We dismounted at a lovely place, which contains a large number of rare trees and plants, brought from all parts of the world.  Here were enormous camellias, as well as purple, red, and white azaleas, Guernsey lilies, all growing in the greatest profusion.

Our descent of the Mount, by means of a form of conveyance commonly used on the island, was very amusing.  At the summit we found basket-work sleighs, each constructed to hold two people, and attended by a couple of men, lashed together.  Into these we stepped, and were immediately pushed down the hill at a tremendous pace.  The gliding motion is delightful, and was altogether a novelty to us.  The men manage the sleighs with great skill, steering them in the most wonderful manner round the sharp angles in the zigzag road, and making use of their bare feet as brakes when necessary.  The turns were occasionally so abrupt, that it seemed almost impossible that we could avoid being upset; but we reached the bottom quite safely.  The children were especially delighted with the trip, and indeed we all enjoyed it immensely.  The only danger is the risk of fire from the friction of the steel runners against the gravel road.

After paying a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Blandy, whose house is beautifully situated, we dined at the hotel, and afterwards sat in the lovely semi-tropical garden until it was time to go on board to bed.

Tuesday, July 18th.—­We were called at 4.30 a.m., and went ashore soon after six to meet some friends, with whom we had arranged to ride up to the Gran Corral, and to breakfast there, 5,000 feet above the level of the sea.

It soon became evident that the time we had selected for landing was the fashionable bathing hour.  In fact, it required some skill on our part to keep the boat clear of the crowds of people of both sexes and all ages, who were taking their morning dip.  It was most absurd to see entire families, from the bald-headed and spectacled grandfather to the baby who could scarcely walk, all disporting themselves in the water together, many of them supported by the very inelegant-looking bladders I have mentioned.  There was a little delay in mounting our horses, under the shade of the fig-trees; but when we were once off, a party of eleven, the cavalcade became quite formidable.  As we clattered up the paved streets, between vineyard and garden walls, ‘curiosity opened her lattice,’ on more than one occasion, to ascertain the cause of the unwonted commotion.  The views on our way, as we sometimes climbed a steep ascent or descended a deep ravine, were very varied, but always beautiful.  About half-way up we stopped to rest under a delightful trellis of vines, by the side of a rushing mountain stream, bordered with ferns; then, leaving the vineyards and gardens behind us, we passed through forests of shady Spanish chestnut trees, beneath which stretched the luxurious greensward.

Project Gutenberg
A Voyage in the 'Sunbeam' from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.