Our Foreigners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 178 pages of information about Our Foreigners.

Our Foreigners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 178 pages of information about Our Foreigners.

Washington (D.C.) Owen lectures at, 94;
  anti-Japanese demonstration at, 207

Welsh, in United States, 6, 150, 151, 216, 217, 218

West, Far, Germans in, 142;
  draws homeseekers, 147;
  and land laws, 148;
  see also names of States

West Indies, French in, 18;
  negro slavery, 47;
  Irish transported to, 105;
  Irish come through, 109

West, Middle, racial changes in, 216;
  see also names of States

West Virginia, Croatians in, 172;
  racial changes in, 216, 219

Westfield, Poles in, 214

Whiting (Ind.), foreigners in, 217

Whitney, Eli, cotton gin, 52

Wilcox, W.F., quoted, 62-63

Wilmington, Germans in, 127

Wilson, Woodrow, and anti-Japanese feeling, 206;
  on literacy test, 231

Windber (Penn.), racial changes in, 219

Winthrop, John, on immigration of Scotch-Irish, 11

Wisconsin, frontiersmen in, 36;
  “Underground Railway” in, 54;
  Fourieristic colony in, 97;
  Germans in, 134, 137;
  Swiss in, 153;
  Scandinavians in, 156;
  Poles in, 160, 167;
  farms available in, 209;
  Slavs in, 212

Worcester, Poles in, 214

Workingmen’s party, 193

Wright, Fanny, 95

Wyoming, and Chinese indemnity claim, 201

Yazoo Delta, Italians in, 211

Yellow Springs (O.), communistic attempt, 96

Young, Brigham, 87

“Young Ireland” party, 120

Zimmermann, J.J., founder of Pietists, 69

Zinzendorf, Count, 72

Zoar, colony at, 78-80;
  Amana gains members from, 83

Project Gutenberg
Our Foreigners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.