Our Foreigners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 178 pages of information about Our Foreigners.

Our Foreigners eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 178 pages of information about Our Foreigners.

Constitution, Fifteenth Amendment, 59

Coolidge, M.R., Chinese Immigration, quoted, 192, 193-94

Cotton, effect on slavery, 52

Coxsackie (N.Y.), communistic attempt at, 96

Croatians, as South Slavs, 164;
  in United States, 171, 172;
  in Johnstown (Penn.), 216;
  in Granite City (Ill.), 217

Cumberland (Wis.), Italian colony, 212

Cumberland Mountains, fugitive slaves in, 54

Dakotas, frontiersmen in, 36;
  Germans in, 141;
  Scandinavians in, 156, 157;
  “Scandinavian language” in universities, 158-59;
  Slavs in, 213;
  see also South Dakota

Dallas (Tex.), Italians in, 211

Dalmatians, as South Slavs, 164;
  in United States, 171-172;
  on Pacific slope, 213

Danes, in America, 154, 156;
  character, 154;
  see also Scandinavians

DeLancey, Stephen, 16

Delaware, not represented in first census, 25;
  second census (1800), 25;
  Labadists in, 68-69;
  Scandinavian colony, 156;
  racial changes in manufacturing towns, 216

Democratic party on restriction of immigration, 226

Denver, anti-Chinese riots, 197-98 (note)

Detroit, Irish in, 113;
  Germans in, 135;
  Poles in, 167 (note);
  Italians in, 180

Devotionalists, 85-89, 90

Douglass, Frederick, 64

DuBois, W.E.B., negro scholar, 64

Duluth, Finnish college near, 160

Dunbar, P.L., negro poet, 64

Dunkards, 70

Dunkers, 13

Dutch, in United States, 17-18;
  number of immigrants, 153

Ebenezer Society, 81

Economy, Harmonists establish, 75;
  Rapp as leader, 75-76;
  as a communistic community, 76-77;
  membership, 76 (note);
  Amana gains members from, 83

Emmet, Robert, emigration from Ireland after failure of, 105

England, reasons for expansion, 2-3;
  imports, 3;
  social and religious changes, 6-7;
  kidnaping, 8;
  emigration of poor, 9, 110, 111;
  criminals sent to colonies, 9;
  and Ulster, 10;
  French Protestants flee to, 15;
  Jews in, 16;
  industrial revolution and the American negro, 52;
  emigration from, 150

English, in Virginia, 1;
  in New World, 2-10;
  serving class, 8;
  Nonconformists in Manhattan, 17;
  and Dutch, 17-18;
  and French, 18;
  on land, 151;
  in Johnstown (Penn.), 216;
  in Granite City (Ill.), 217;
  in coal mines of Pennsylvania, 218

Ephrata, 70-72

Erie, Fort, Fenians hold, 120

Europe, migrations, 1-2;
  immigration from, 103;
  see also names of peoples

Fairchild, H.P., quoted, 183

Faneuil, Peter, 16

Project Gutenberg
Our Foreigners from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.