The New Freedom eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about The New Freedom.

The New Freedom eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 191 pages of information about The New Freedom.

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The men who have been ruling America must consent to let the majority into the game.  We will no longer permit any system to go uncorrected which is based upon private understandings and expert testimony; we will not allow the few to continue to determine what the policy of the country is to be.  It is a question of access to our own government.  There are very few of us who have had any real access to the government.  It ought to be a matter of common counsel; a matter of united counsel; a matter of mutual comprehension.

So, keep the air clear with constant discussion.  Make every public servant feel that he is acting in the open and under scrutiny; and, above all things else, take these great fundamental questions of your lives with which political platforms concern themselves and search them through and through by every process of debate.  Then we shall have a clear air in which we shall see our way to each kind of social betterment.  When we have freed our government, when we have restored freedom of enterprise, when we have broken up the partnerships between money and power which now block us at every turn, then we shall see our way to accomplish all the handsome things which platforms promise in vain if they do not start at the point where stand the gates of liberty.

I am not afraid of the American people getting up and doing something.  I am only afraid they will not; and when I hear a popular vote spoken of as mob government, I feel like telling the man who dares so to speak that he has no right to call himself an American.  You cannot make a reckless, passionate force out of a body of sober people earning their living in a free country.  Just picture to yourselves the voting population of this great land, from the sea to the far borders in the mountains, going calmly, man by man, to the polls, expressing its judgment about public affairs:  is that your image of “a mob?”

What is a mob?  A mob is a body of men in hot contact with one another, moved by ungovernable passion to do a hasty thing that they will regret the next day.  Do you see anything resembling a mob in that voting population of the countryside, men tramping over the mountains, men going to the general store up in the village, men moving in little talking groups to the corner grocery to cast their ballots,—­is that your notion of a mob?  Or is that your picture of a free, self-governing people?  I am not afraid of the judgments so expressed, if you give men time to think, if you give them a clear conception of the things they are to vote for; because the deepest conviction and passion of my heart is that the common people, by which I mean all of us, are to be absolutely trusted.

Project Gutenberg
The New Freedom from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.