Evidence of Christianity eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about Evidence of Christianity.

Evidence of Christianity eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 465 pages of information about Evidence of Christianity.

We have here, therefore, a proof, that parties who were the most opposite and irreconcilable to one another acknowledged the authority of Scripture with equal deference.

X. And as a general testimony to the same point, may be produced what was said by one of the bishops of the council of Carthage, which was holden a little before this time:—­“I am of opinion that blasphemous and wicked heretics, who pervert the sacred and adorable words of the Scripture, should be execrated.”  Undoubtedly, what they perverted they received. (Lardner, vol. ix. p. 839.)

Xi.  The Millennium, Novatianism, the baptism of heretics, the keeping of Easter, engaged also the attention and divided the opinions of Christians, at and before that time (and, by the way, it may be observed, that such disputes, though on some accounts to be blamed, showed how much men were in earnest upon the subject.); yet every one appealed for the grounds of his opinion to Scripture authority.  Dionysius of Alexandria, who flourished A.D. 247, describing a conference or public disputation, with the Millennarians of Egypt, confesses of them, though their adversary, “that they embrace whatever could be made out by good arguments, from the Holy Scriptures.”  (Lardner, vol. iv. p. 666.) Novatus, A.D. 251, distinguished by some rigid sentiments concerning the reception of those who had lapsed, and the founder of a numerous sect, in his few remaining works quotes the Gospel with the same respect as other Christians did; and concerning his followers, the testimony of Socrates, who wrote about the year 440, is positive, viz.  “That in the disputes between the Catholics and them, each side endeavoured to support itself by the authority of the Divine Scriptures” (Lardner, vol. v. p. 105.)

XII.  The Donatists, who sprung up in the year 328, used the same Scriptures as we do.  “Produce,” saith Augustine, “some proof from the Scriptures, whose authority is common to us both” (Lardner, vol. vii. p. 243.)

XIII.  It is perfectly notorious, that in the Arian controversy, which arose soon after the year 300, both sides appealed to the same Scriptures, and with equal professions of deference and regard.  The Arians, in their council of Antioch, A.D. 341, pronounce that “if any one, contrary to the sound doctrine of the Scriptures, say, that the Son is a creature, as one of the creatures, let him be an anathema.”  (Lardner, vol. vii. p. 277.) They and the Athanasians mutually accuse each other of using unscriptural phrases; which was a mutual acknowledgment of the conclusive authority of Scripture.

XIV.  The Priscillianists, A.D. 378, the Pelagians, A.D. 405 received the same Scriptures as we do. (Lardner, vol. ix. p. 325; vol. xi p. 52.)

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Evidence of Christianity from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.