Life in a Thousand Worlds eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Life in a Thousand Worlds.

Life in a Thousand Worlds eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Life in a Thousand Worlds.

The time will come, however, when this blissful period will be at an end, only to give way to a state of existence infinitely greater and more glorious, which in our language would be called Heaven.

[Illustration:  Beginning of the Millennium.]

I will briefly describe a few characteristics of this Millennial life as
I saw it and as it is now existing.

1.  The saints are living in spiritual bodies.  They are not cumbered with a fleshy body, and are capable of traveling through the air at a speed far beyond that attained by the swiftest winged creature of any world in the whole universe.

Their spiritual bodies are highly organized and sensitive to a fine degree.  At will they are capable of rendering themselves visible or invisible, as we comprehend these terms.

As the perfectly formed flower, blushing in its wealth of color, is called beautiful, so we would designate these symmetrical spirit-creatures, moving in the glory of their higher endowment and shaded with the living tints of Heaven.

2.  These inhabitants know nothing of fatigue.  Their strength of body and vitality of mind are unabating.  What a contrast between the creatures of our Earth and those of the Millennial world on whom the passing of centuries has no ill effect.

3.  There is nothing on this purified world to generate disease; hence these favored people never suffer any pain of body or of mind.  The long line of sin-shadows has all vanished from this redeemed planet, and the atmosphere is all aglow with the mellowed light of peace and love.

4.  Jealousy and all kindred feelings are unknown.  These roots were all destroyed by the fire at the beginning of the Millennium.  No one can imagine how enrapturing life is in the absence of stings of malice and thorns of envy.

5.  The social and spiritual relationships are all harmoniously blended.  No one feels himself beneath or above another, and no one feels embarrassed in the presence of a superior human intelligence.

6.  Thus it follows that the fellowship is inexpressibly sweet.  You can only imagine the dignity and glory one must feel as he mingles with the righteous dead of all ages, and gathers from them a glimpse of the trials and triumphs of ten thousand years under the old reign.

7.  Some of the spirits are employed in dressing and keeping the gardens in which grow the luxurious food on which redeemed creatures subsist:  not cereals, fruits, or nuts, but the kind that creates the most heavenly sensations as it wastes away in perfume at the will of the user.  The nearest imitation of this food ever known on earth was eaten by Christ’s spirit when Mary broke the alabaster box of ointment on his head.

8.  Some spirits of this Millennial life seemed to be more rapturously happy than the others.  I learned that they had passed through the darkness of continual disappointments or suffered under the mis-mating of matrimonial union.  Others fought through the fires of persecution and torture, and still others passed through martyrdom for their Master’s sake.  All of these patiently endured all hardships leading down to the end of their mortal days.

Project Gutenberg
Life in a Thousand Worlds from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.