Caxton's Book of Curtesye eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about Caxton's Book of Curtesye.

Caxton's Book of Curtesye eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about Caxton's Book of Curtesye.

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Goo, litle childe, and who doth you Appose,
  Seying, your_e_ quaire kepeth non accordaunce,
Tell [hym], as yite neyther of ryme ne prose 521
  Ye be experte; pray hym of sufferaunce;
  Childer must be of childly gouernaunce,
    And they must also entredet[1] be
[Sidenote 1:  Read entreted]
    Wyth esy thyng, [and not] of subtilte. 525


Your_e_ lytil quaier su_m_mitteth euery where
  To corecc_i_on and beneuolence,
But where enuie is, loke hit come not there, 528
  For eny thing kepith your_e_ trety thense;
  Enuie is full of frowarde reprehense,
    And howe to hurte liethe eu_er_e in awayte,
    Kepeth your_e_ quaier_e_, that hit be not her baite.



[Sidenote:  Hill’s Text.]

P) Go, litill[e] Ioh[=n], & who doth you oppose,
    sayenge yo_u_r quayre, kepeth no_n_ accordavnce; 520
  Tell[e] hy_m_ as 3*et neyther_e_ i_n_ ryme ne p_r_ose
    ye ben exp_er_te; p_ra_y hy_m_ of suffraunce. 
    Chyldren[1] muste be of childy gou_er_navnce,
[Sidenote 1:  MS. Clyldren.]
      & also thei muste entreted be 524
      W_i_t_h_ easy thynge, & not w_i_t_h_ subtilte.

P) Go, lytill[e] quayer, submyte you eu_er_y where
    vnder correcc_i_on of benevolence;
  & wher envy ys, loke you cu_m_ not ther_e_, 528
    ffor any thyng kepe yo_u_r treatye thens;
    Envye ys full of froward reprehens,
      & how to hurte lyeth ever i_n_ a-wayte;
      kepe yo_u_r quayre that yt be not ther bayte. 532

        Here endyth A lytyll[e] treatyse
        called the boke of curtesy or litill[e] Ioh_a_n.



Go lytyl Io[=h]n / and who doth you appose
[Sidenote:  Whoever questions you,]
Sayng your quayer / kepe non accordance
Telle hym as yet / neyther in ryme ne prose 521
Ye ben expert / praye hym of suffra[=n]ce
[Sidenote:  say you are not yet up in rime or prose.]
Chyldren muste be / of chyldly gouerna[=n]ce
And also they muste entretyd_e_ be
With esy thing / and not with subtylte 525


Go lytil quayer / submytte you euery where
Vnder correct_i_on of benyuolence
[Sidenote:  Little book, I submit you to correction:]
And where enuye is / loke ye come not there 528
[Sidenote:  but go not where envy is.]
For ony thing_e_ / kepe your tretye thens
Enuye is ful of froward reprehens
And how to hurte / lyeth euer in a wayte
Kepe your quayer / that it be not ther bayte 532

Project Gutenberg
Caxton's Book of Curtesye from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.