P) Playe not Iacke maleperte, that ys to say,
be ware of presumpc_i_on,
be ware of pryde; 492
take not the first place, my child,
by the waye;
till[e] oder be sette, ryght
manerly a-byde,
presumtvous be ofte sette
& all[e] day avaled,
as me_n_ may see, 496
& he ys sette
vp that hat[=h] humylyte.
Lete galante go / I mene recheles rusky[=n]
[Sidenote: Let Reckless Ruskyn go!]
Take hede my chyld to suche as be connyng
[Sidenote: You follow skilful men,]
So shal ye best worship conquere & wynne
Enforce you in al your demenyng_e_
To folowe vertu / & fro folye declynyng_e_
[Sidenote: virtue and]
And waite wel that ye loue honeste
[Sidenote: honesty.]
Whiche is acordynge[1] vnto humanyte
[Footnote 1: Orig. accrdynge.]
[Sidenote: Leaf 12 b.]
That is for you / to vnderstonde & knowe
That your araye / be manerly resonable
[Sidenote: Don’t dress]
Not apysshe / on to mocken ne to mowe
[Sidenote: apishly]
To nyce araye / that is not commendable
[Sidenote: or foppishly.]
Fetis newe founden[1] by foolis vnp_ro_uffitable
That make [th]^e world so plainly transformate
That men semen almoste enfemynate
[Footnote 1: Orig. fonuden.]
Playe not Iack malapert / that is to saye
[Sidenote: Don’t play Jack Malapert, that
Beware of presump_ci_on / beware of pryde[1]
[Sidenote: don’t be presumptuous.]
Take not [th]^e first place my child by the waye
Tyl other be sette / right manerly abyde
[Sidenote: Wait till others are seated.]
Presumptuo_us_ ben often set a syde.
And_e_ alleday aualyd_e_ / as men may see
And he is sette vp / that hath humylyte
[Footnote 1: Orig. pryte.]
* * * * *
To[1] cu_n_nyng p_er_sones regarde ye take,
[Sidenote 1: MS. The.]
Where ye be sette in right atentif wyse,
Connyng folke cu_n_nyng folke shulde make,
To theire goodnesse ye shalle make your_e_
And as thei do, ye mosten deuyse;
For this, my childe, is as
the gospell treue,
Whoo wolle be cu_n_nyng muste
the cu_n_nyng sewe.
And o thing I charge you speciall[ie],
To womanhode good kepe you take alway,
And them to serue loke that ye haue an eie,
Ther comau_n_dementis, my child_e_, loke
ye obey,
Plesaunt wordis to them I warne you saye,
And in all wyse do your_e_
To do them plesur_e_, honoure,
and reuerence. 511