Caxton's Book of Curtesye eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about Caxton's Book of Curtesye.

Caxton's Book of Curtesye eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about Caxton's Book of Curtesye.

P) Playe not Iacke maleperte, that ys to say,
    be ware of presumpc_i_on, be ware of pryde; 492
  take not the first place, my child, by the waye;
    till[e] oder be sette, ryght manerly a-byde,
    presumtvous be ofte sette a-syde
      & all[e] day avaled, as me_n_ may see, 496
      & he ys sette vp that hat[=h] humylyte.



Lete galante go / I mene recheles rusky[=n]
[Sidenote:  Let Reckless Ruskyn go!]
Take hede my chyld to suche as be connyng
[Sidenote:  You follow skilful men,]
So shal ye best worship conquere & wynne 479
Enforce you in al your demenyng_e_
To folowe vertu / & fro folye declynyng_e_
[Sidenote:  virtue and]
And waite wel that ye loue honeste
[Sidenote:  honesty.]
Whiche is acordynge[1] vnto humanyte 483

[Footnote 1:  Orig. accrdynge.]


[Sidenote:  Leaf 12 b.]

That is for you / to vnderstonde & knowe
That your araye / be manerly resonable
[Sidenote:  Don’t dress]
Not apysshe / on to mocken ne to mowe 486
[Sidenote:  apishly]
To nyce araye / that is not commendable
[Sidenote:  or foppishly.]
Fetis newe founden[1] by foolis vnp_ro_uffitable
That make [th]^e world so plainly transformate
That men semen almoste enfemynate 490

[Footnote 1:  Orig. fonuden.]


Playe not Iack malapert / that is to saye
[Sidenote:  Don’t play Jack Malapert, that is,]
Beware of presump_ci_on / beware of pryde[1]
[Sidenote:  don’t be presumptuous.]
Take not [th]^e first place my child by the waye 493
Tyl other be sette / right manerly abyde
[Sidenote:  Wait till others are seated.]
Presumptuo_us_ ben often set a syde. 
And_e_ alleday aualyd_e_ / as men may see
And he is sette vp / that hath humylyte 497

[Footnote 1:  Orig. pryte.]

* * * * *



To[1] cu_n_nyng p_er_sones regarde ye take,
[Sidenote 1:  MS. The.]
  Where ye be sette in right atentif wyse,
Connyng folke cu_n_nyng folke shulde make, 500
  To theire goodnesse ye shalle make your_e_ su_m_mise,
  And as thei do, ye mosten deuyse;
    For this, my childe, is as the gospell treue,
    Whoo wolle be cu_n_nyng muste the cu_n_nyng sewe.


And o thing I charge you speciall[ie],
  To womanhode good kepe you take alway,
And them to serue loke that ye haue an eie, 507
  Ther comau_n_dementis, my child_e_, loke ye obey,
  Plesaunt wordis to them I warne you saye,
    And in all wyse do your_e_ dilligence,
    To do them plesur_e_, honoure, and reuerence. 511

Project Gutenberg
Caxton's Book of Curtesye from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.