[Footnote 1: A hole in the paper.]
[Sidenote: Leaf 11 a.]
Yet eft sones my child_e_ / lete vs resorte
[Sidenote: But let us return to our first subject.]
To thentente of yur first matere
Degressed somwhat / for we wold reporte
And reuiue the laude of hem that were
Famous in our langage / these faders dere
Whos sowles in blysse / god et_er_nel aua_u_nce
That lysten so our langage to enhaunce
* * * * *
Than, litle childe, I councelle you that ye
Take hede vnto the norture that men vse,
Newe founden or Auncient whet[h]er hit be,
So shall no man your_e_ curteyse refuse;
The guise and custome shall you, my childe,
Mennys werkys haue often entirchaunge,
That nowe is norture, sumtyme
had ben full straunge.
Thinges whilome vside ben layde aside,
And new fetis dayly ben contryvyde,
Men[nys actes] can in no plight abyde,
They ben chaungeable and oft mevide,
Thing some-tyme alowide is nowe reprevide,
And aftir this shall thingis
vppe aryse,
That men sette nowe but [at]
litle a prise. 448
Thus mene I, my childe, that ye shull vse and haunte
The guise of them that don most man_er_ly,
But be ware of vnthrefte ruskyn galaunte,
Counterfetour_e_ vncunnyng of curtesie,
His tecches ben infecte wyth vilonye,
Vngerde, vnblesside, seruyng
at the table,
Me semeth hym s_er_u_a_unt
full pendable. 455
[Sidenote: Hill’s Text.]
[Sidenote: ffl C lxiiij back.]
P) Then litill[e] Ioh[=n], I co_n_sayle you that
Take hede to the nortvres
that me_n_ vse, 436
newe fownd or avncyent, whe_ther_ yt be;
So shall[e] no ma_n_ yo_u_r
curtesye refuse;
the gyse & custu_m_,
my child, shall[e] you excuse.
Menys werkes haue
oftyn enterchavnce; 440
that now
ys norture, so_m_tyme hath be stravnge;
P) Thyng_is_ whylom vsed be now layd a-syde,
& newe fetes dayly be co_n_tryved:
Menys actes ca_n_ in no plyte abyde,
They be chavngable & ofte
thynges su_m_tym_e_ alowed
be now rep_re_ved;
& after this shall
thynges vp a-ryse
that me_n_ sett
now but at lytill[e] pryse: 448