Caxton's Book of Curtesye eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about Caxton's Book of Curtesye.

Caxton's Book of Curtesye eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about Caxton's Book of Curtesye.

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And yit in Aventure ye, if the caase require,
  Ye most speke as hit may doo percace;
[Sidenote 1:  MS. precace.]
Seuen condic_i_ons obserue as ye shall hire, 143
  Avise you well what ye sey and in what place,
  Of whom, and to whom, in your_e_ mynde compace;
    Howe ye shall speke, and whan, taketh good hede,
    This couns_e_illeth the wyse man wyth-outen drede.


A wayte, my childe, ye haue you manerly,
  Whan at your_e_ mete ye sittyn at your_e_ table;
In euery pres, in euery company, 150
  Disposeth you to be so componable,
  That men may you reporte for comendable;
    For tristeth well, vppon your_e_ bering
    Men woll you blame or yeven you preysing. 154


And printeth chiefly in your_e_ memorie, For A principalle poynt of feire norture, Ye depraue no man absent especially; 157 Seint Austyn Amonishith wyth besy cure, Howe at the table men shull them assure, That there escapeth them no suche langage, As myght turne other folke to disparage. 161 */

[Sidenote:  Hill’s Text.]

P) And yet i_n_ aduenture, yf the caas requyre,
    ye may speke, but ye must p_er_caas
  Seven[1] co_n_dyc_i_ons obs_er_ve, as ye may here: 
[Sidenote:  Six they are at p. 358, Babees Book, of the Wise Man.]
    Avyce ye well[e] what ye say, & i_n_ what place, 144
    Off whom, & to whom, i_n_ yo_u_r mynd co_m_pace;
      how ye shall[e] speke, & wha_n_, take good hede: 
      this cow[n]syled the wyse ma_n_ w_i_t_h_owten drede.

P) A-wayte, my chyld, ye behaue you man_er_ly 148
    wha_n_ at yo_u_r mete ye sytte at the table;
  In eu_er_y prees & In en_er_y cu_m_pany
    Dyspose you to be so cu_m_penable
    that me_n_ may of you reporte for co_m_me_n_dable; 152
      ffor, trustyth well[e], vpon yo_u_r beryng
      Men will[e] you blame or gyve p_ra_ysyng.

P) And prynte ye truly this in yo_u_r memorye
    for a pryncypall[e] poynt of fayer noretvre, 156
  that ye deprave no ma_n_ absente specyally. 
    Saynt Austyne amonessheth w_i_t_h_ besy cure,
    howe me_n_ att table shulde the_m_ assure
      that ther escape the_m_ no suche langage 160
      As myght hurte or bryng folke to disparage.



And yet in auenture / yf the caas require
Ye may speke / but ye muste thenne p_er_caas
Seue_n_ co_n_dic_i_ons obserue / as ye may now hyre 143
[Sidenote:  If you must speak, observe the seven conditions.]
Auyse you wel / what ye saye / & in what place
Of whom / & to whom in your mynde co_m_pace
How ye shal speke / & whan take good hede
This co_u_ncelith the wise man withoute drede 147

Project Gutenberg
Caxton's Book of Curtesye from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.