Caxton's Book of Curtesye eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about Caxton's Book of Curtesye.

Caxton's Book of Curtesye eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 77 pages of information about Caxton's Book of Curtesye.

To helpe the prest whan he shall sey the masse,
  Whan hit shall happen you or be-tyde,
Remeue not ferr_e_ ne from his p_re_sence passe, 87
  Kneleth or stondeth deuoutly hym be-syde,
  And not to nyghe; your_e_ tounge mooste be applied
    To Answere hym wyth[1] v[o]ice full moderate;
[Sidenote 1:  MS. wyth hym wyth.]
    Avyse you well, my lityll childe, Algate 91


To mynystre wyth de-voute Reuerence,
  Loke that ye do your_e_ humble obseruaunce
Debonarly wyth [dewe] obideence, 94
  Cyrcum-spectly, wyth eu_er_[y] circumstaunce
  Of porte, of chere, demevir_e_ of countenaunce,
    Remembryng, the lord aboue is he
    Whom to serue is grettest liberte. 98

[Sidenote:  Hill’s Text.]

P) Avyce you well[e] also for any thynge,
    The chyrche, of p_ra_yer ys howse & place;
  be ware therfor of clappe or Iangelynge, 80
    ffor i_n_ the chyrche yt ys a full[e] gret trespas,
    & a token of suche as lacketh g_ra_ce. 
      Ther be ye demvre, & kepe ye scilence,
      And s_er_ve ye god w_i_t_h_ all yo_u_r delygence. 84

[Sidenote:  ffl C lxj.]

P) To helpe the P_re_est wha_n_ he sayth masse,
    wha_n_ yt shall[e] happen you or betyde,
  Remeve not fer, ne fro_m_ his p_re_sence passe;
    knele or stonde you devovtly hy_m_ besyde, 88
    & not to ny[=g]h:  yo_u_r tonge mvst be applyde
      To answere hy_m_ w_i_t_h_ woyce moderate. 
      Avyce you well, my lytill child, algate

P) To mynyster w_i_t_h_ devout reverence; 92
    loke ye do yo_u_r hu_m_ble observaunce
  Debonerly wyth dewe obedyence,
    Circu_m_spectly w_i_t_h_ euery circu_m_stavnce
    Of poort, & chere of goodly covntenavnce, 96
      Remembryng well the lorde a-bove ys he,
      whome to s_er_ve ys grettest lyberte.



Auyse you wel also / for ony thinge
The chirche of prayer / is hous and place
Beware therfore / of clappe or Iangelyng_e_ 80
[Sidenote:  Don’t chatter,]
For in [th]^e chirche / it is a ful grate trespaas
And a token of suche / as lackyth grace
There be ye demure / and kepe ye scilence
[Sidenote:  but be silent, and serve God.]
And serue ye god / with al your diligence 84


[Sidenote:  Leaf 3 a.]

To helpe the preest / whan he saith masse
[Sidenote:  When you help the priest at Mass,]
Whan it shal happen you or betyde
Remeue not fer / ne from his presence passe 87
Knele or stonde ye / deuoutly hym besyde
[Sidenote:  kneel or stand near him,]
And not to nyg[=h] your to_n_ge muste be applide
Tanswere hym / with voys ful moderate
[Sidenote:  and answer him in a moderate tone.]
Auyse you wel / my lityl childe algate 91

Project Gutenberg
Caxton's Book of Curtesye from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.