Camping For Boys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Camping For Boys.

Camping For Boys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Camping For Boys.

Aspirin, gr. 5, 100 at $1.25 per C. One or two every four hours for rheumatism, headache, or general pains and aches.

Compound cathartic pills, 100 at 21 cents per C. Two at night for constipation.

Epsom Salts, four ounces, 5 cents.  Two to four teaspoonfuls in hot water before breakfast.

Compound tincture of opium (Squibb), 4 ounces, 50 cents.  Teaspoonful after meals for summer diarrhea.

Baking soda.  Teaspoonful after meals for “distress.”

Morphine Sulphate, gr, 1/4;

Strychnine Sulphate, gr. 1-30; for hypodermics, used by physicians only.

In addition to the above everyone has a stock of “old-fashioned” home remedies.  Some of these are described under “Simple Remedies.”


“Backwoods Surgery and Medicine”—­Charles Stuart Moody, M. D. Outing Publishing Co., New York, 75 cents net.  A commonsense book written from experience.  It is invaluable to campers.

“Home Treatment and Care of the Sick “-A.  Temple Lovering, M.D.  Otis Clapp & Son, Boston, $1.50.  Full of helpful suggestions.

American Red Cross Abridged Text Book on First Aid (General Edition).  American Red Cross Society, Washington, D. C., 30 cents net.  Reliable and comprehensive.

Annual Report of the United States Volunteer Life Saving Corps (Free).  Office, World Building, New York City.  Contains many hints and suggestions.

Boys’ Drill Regulations.  National First, Aid Association, 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. 25 cents.  A mass of information concerning setting-up drills, litter drills, swimming drill on land, rescue and resuscitation drills, etc.


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In a small camp a physician is unnecessary, though one should be within call.  The camp leader should have a knowledge of the ordinary ailments of growing boys and simple remedies for relief.  No camp of fifty or more boys should be without a physician or some upper class medical student of high moral character.  Don’t run risks.  When in doubt, call in a physician.  The treatment of local disorders described is largely from nature’s medicine chest, and simple in application.

Bites and Stings

Put on salt and water, or make a paste of soda and water, or rub the wound with aromatic ammonia, camphor, or tar soap.  Common salt is excellent.

Bleeding Nose

Do not blow the nose.  Hold a wet handkerchief at the back of the neck and wash the face in hot water, or place a wad of paper under the upper lip, or crowd some fine gauze or cotton into the nostrils and make a plug.

To Check Bleeding

Project Gutenberg
Camping For Boys from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.