Allow a teaspoonful of cocoa for every cup of boiling water. Mix the powdered cocoa with hot water or hot milk to a creamy paste. Add equal parts of boiling water and boiled milk, and sugar to taste. Boil two or three minutes.
Griddle cakes with Karo Syrup or brown sugar and butter;
Fried bacon and potatoes;
Bread, coffee, preserves.
Creamed salmon on toast; Baked potatoes; Bread; Pickles; Fruit.
Fried eggs; Creamed or chipped beef; Cheese; Bread; Cocoa
These recipes have been tried out. Biscuit and bread-making have been purposely omitted. Take bread and crackers with you from the camp. “Amateur” biscuits are not conducive to good digestion or happiness. Pack butter in small jar. Cocoa, sugar and coffee in small cans or heavy paper, also salt and pepper. Wrap bread in a moist cloth to prevent drying up. Bacon and dried or chipped beef in wax paper. Pickles can be purchased put up in small bottles. Use the empty bottle as a candlestick.
Ration List for six boys, three meals
2 lbs. bacon (sliced thin), 1 lb. butter, 1 doz. eggs, 1/2 lb. cocoa, 1/2 lb. coffee, 1 lb. sugar, 3 cans salmon, 24 potatoes, 2 cans condensed milk, 1 small package self-raising flour, Salt and pepper.
Small griddle or tin “pie plate” (5 cents
Small stew pan,
Small coffee pot,
Small cake turner,
Large spoon,
Knives and forks,
Plates and cups,
Matches and candles.
Dish Washing
First fill the frying pan with water, place over fire and let it boil. Pour out water and you will find that it has practically cleaned itself. Clean the griddle with sand and water. Greasy knives and forks may be cleaned by jabbing a couple of times into the ground. After all grease is gotten rid of, wash in hot water and dry with cloth. Don’t use the cloth first and get it greasy.
Be sure to purchase Horace Kephart’s excellent book on “Camp Cookery,” $1.00, Outing Publishing Co., or Association Press. It is filled with practical suggestions.
“Camp and Trail”—Stewart Edward White. Doubleday, Page & Company, $1.25 net. Full of common sense and of special value to those contemplating long tramps and wilderness travel. Several chapters on “Horseback Travel”
“Out-of-Doors”—M. Ellsworth Olsen, Ph.D. Pacific Press Publishing Co., 60 cents. A book permeated with a wholesome outdoor spirit.
The Field and Forest Book—Dan Beard. Charles Scribner’s Sons, $2.00. Written in “Beardesque” style, filled with his inimitable illustrations and crammed with ideas.
The Way of the Woods-Edward Breck. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, $1.75 net. Simple, terse, free from technical terms, and calculated to give the novice a mass of information. Written for Northeastern United States and Canada, but of interest for every camper.