Camping For Boys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Camping For Boys.

Camping For Boys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Camping For Boys.
18.  An Adventurous Voyage.  Acts 27:1-13. 19.  Shipwreck.  Acts 27:14-26. 20.  All Saved.  Acts 27:27-44. 21.  Praying for a Prosperous Journey.  Romans 1:8-16. 22.  A Traveler’s Adventures. 2 Corinthians 11:23-33. 23.  A Merry Heart Desirable.  Proverbs 15:13-17. 24.  Keeping from Sin.  Romans 6:16-23. 25.  Meeting a Stranger.  Luke 24:13-27. 26.  A Delightful Surprise.  Luke 24:28-35. 27.  Jacob’s Bivouac.  Genesis 28:10-22. 28.  David’s Prayer in the Cave.  Psalm 142:1-7. 29.  Avoiding Sinful Pleasure.  Hebrews 11:23-27. 30.  Peter’s Counsel. 1 Peter 4:1-10. 31.  The Greatest Pleasure.  Psalm 16:  1-11.



1.  The Story of Nature’s Creation.  Genesis 1:11-22. 2.  The First Garden.  Genesis 2:8-17. 3.  God’s Care for His Creation.  Matthew 6:25-34. 4.  The Symbol of Peace.  Genesis 8:1-11. 5.  The Sign of God’s Promise.  Genesis 9:8-17. 6.  The Burning Bush.  Exodus 3:1-6. 7.  The Accompaniment of God’s Presence.  Exodus 19:16-25. 8.  Nature Halts to Accomplish God’s Purpose.  Joshua 10:5-14. 9.  Nature’s Tribute to God’s Glory.  Psalm 97:1-12. 10.  The Midnight Hymn.  Psalm 8:1-9. 11.  The Sunrise Hymn.  Psalm 19:1-14. 12.  The Thunder-storm Hymn.  Psalm 29:1-11. 13.  The God of Storm.  Matthew 8:23-33. 14.  Nature has no perils for the God-fearing Man.  Job 5:8-27. 15.  The Full Ear.  Matthew 13:1-9,18,23. 16.  Harmful Weeds.  Matthew 13:  24-30, 36-43. 17.  The God of Nature Protects Us.  Psalm 121:1-8. 18.  He Cares for Us.  Psalm 147:1-20. 19.  God’s Voice After the Storm. 1 Kings 19:5-13. 20.  The Tree of Life.  Proverbs 3:13-21. 21.  The Trees Desire a King.  Judges 9:8-15; Joshua 24:15. 22.  The Root Out of Dry Ground.  Isaiah 53:1-12. 23.  Water Without Price.  Isaiah 55:1-13. 24.  The Perfect Vine.  John 15:1-14. 25.  The Light Brighter than the Sun.  Acts 9:1-20. 26.  A Wonderful Star.  Matthew 2:1-11. 27.  Sand or Rock?  Matthew 7:24-27. 28.  Broken Branches.  Matthew 21:1-11. 29.  The Unprofitable Tree.  Matthew 7:15-21. 30.  The Profitable Tree.  Psalm 1:1-6. 31.  Do Good in all Seasons.  Ecclesiastes 3:1-12.


For a Boy Scout Camp, the following course, “Boy’s Scout Guide Book Study,” was prepared by W. S. Dillon: 

The Scout’s oath
Lesson 1.  To Do My Duty to God and My Country. 
Daniel 1:8; 6:4-10. 
Lesson 2.  To Help Other People at All Times.  Exodus 3:1-11. 
Lesson 3.  To Obey the Scout Law.  Exodus 20:3-17; Luke 10:26, 27;
Matthew 7:12.

The scout salute and sign
Lesson 4.  Judges 12:6; Acts 4:12; Galatians 6:14.

Three classes of scouts the tenderfoot
Lesson 5.  Luke 5:1-11.

The second class scout
Lesson 6.  Have at Least One Month’s Service as a Tenderfoot.
2 Samuel 15:1-6. 
Lesson 7.  Signalling. 1 Samuel 20:20-22; 35-39. 
Lesson 8.  Lay and Light a Fire.  Fire Lighting Contest.
1 Kings 18:  22-24.

Project Gutenberg
Camping For Boys from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.