Running pants (1)
Handkerchiefs (1)
Needles and thread (1)
Two pairs woolen blankets (1)
Matches in metal box (1)
Poncho (1)
Folding drinking cup (1)
Turkish towels (1)
Strong pocket knife on chain(1)
Extra pair heavy shoes (2)
Toilet soap (in aluminum or
celluloid box) (1)
Echo whistle (2)
Fishing tackle (2)
Comb and brush (1)
Camera (2)
Tooth brush and tooth paste(1)
Small-sized Bible (1)
Money (1)
Pins and safety pins (safeties one-inch and four-inch) (1)
Good disposition (1)
Leggings-tan, army style (1)
Extra suit of clothes (2)
Rubber-soled shoes (sneakers) (1)
Soft laundered shirt (2)
Bathing suit or tights (2)
Small compass (2)
Small mirror (1)
Baseball, bats, gloves (2)
Whisk broom (2)
Tennis racquets and balls (3)
Dish towels (2)
Ping Pong racquets, balls (3)
Cheap watch (1)
Rubber boots or overshoes (2)
Map of vicinity (2)
Clothes pins (2)
Musical instruments (2)
Flash lamp (2)
Scissors (2)
Repair outfit (2)
Games (3)
Can opener (2)
Books (3)
Small hand washboard (3)
Small pillow (2)
Thick strong gloves (3)
Mosquito netting (2)
Heavy woolen stockings (3)
Candles (3)
Elk hide moccasins (3)
Bath robe (3)
Blacking and brush (3)
Shaving outfit (3)
Laundry bag (2)
Face rag (3)
It is understood that cooking utensils; tools, tents, cots and the general camp equipment is supplied by the camp management. The above list is for the individual campers.
Mark Everything
Mark everything with your initials, or, if in a large camp, your camp number. This may be done with indelible ink upon white tape, and the tape sewed upon the garments, or you may order through the large department stores your full name embroidered on tape in sufficient quantity to sew upon your belongings. Marking your “goods and chattels” helps identify ownership, for things somehow get fearfully mixed up in a boys’ camp.
A clever scheme for locating lost articles was adopted by one large camp. A “Lost and Found” shop was opened. Articles found were brought to the shop. Hours for identification and reclaiming were announced, the owner paying two cents for each article claimed. This method had the effect of making the boys more systematic and less careless in throwing things around, or leaving them upon the ground after a ball game or play. After a certain length of time, an auction was held of all unclaimed articles. The money received was put into books for the camp library.
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