Camping For Boys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Camping For Boys.

Camping For Boys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Camping For Boys.

The tests in Camps Durrell and Becket are based upon Baden-Powell’s book, “Scouting for Boys,” and have proven very successful.  They are as follows: 


1.  Doing camp duty promptly, efficiently and cheerfully. (5 points)
2.  Participating promptly in preparing tents, baggage and beds for
   Inspection. (4 points.)
3.  Loyalty to captain in all games. (5 points.)

OBSERVATION. 1.  Observe the ways of birds, animals and people and jot down a sketch
   of them in a notebook.
(3 points.) 2.  Take a walk and upon return to the camp write upon the following
   six subjects.
(a) Nature of by-ways of paths. (b) Different kinds of trees you noticed. (c) People you met. (d) Peculiar smells of plants. (e) Kind of fences you saw. (f) Sounds you heard. (3 points.) 3.  Observe sanitary and hygienic disorder and correct the same.
   (5 points.)
4.  After the reading aloud of a story write an account of it. (3 points.)

1.  Observe the tracks of birds and animals and distinguish them.
   (2 points.)
2.  Identify fifteen birds, or fifteen trees, or fifteen flowers, or
    fifteen minerals. (2 points.)
3.  Tie a square knot, a weaver’s knot, a slip knot, a flemish coop, a
   bowline, a half, timber clove, boom hitches, stevedore and wall end
   knots, blackwall and catspaw turn and hitch hook hitches. (2 points.)
4.  Make a “star” fire and cook a meal upon it for the boys of your tent.
   (3 points.)
5.  Find the south at any time of day by the sun with the aid of a watch.
   (1 point.)
6.  Estimate the distance across water. (1 point.)
7.  Judge the time of day by the sun. (1 point.)
8.  Read the signs of the weather by the sun, wind and clouds. (2 points.)
9.  Make something useful for the camp. (5 points.)

HEALTH. 1.  Promptness, erect carriage and earnestness in setting up drill.
   (3 points.)
2.  Gain made in physical development during the time in camp. (2 points.) 3.  Essay upon the camp-fire talks on “Personal Hygiene.” (3 points.) 4.  Care of tent, clothing and baggage, in dry and wet weather. (3 points.) 5.  Cleanliness of person. (3 points). 6.  Proper eating at meals. (5 points.) 7.  Win first place in the athletic or aquatic events. (2 points.)

CHIVALRY. (Among the laws of the Knights was this:  “Chivalry requireth that youth should be trained to perform the most laborious and humble offices with cheerfulness and grace:  and to do good unto others.”) 1.  Do a good turn to somebody every day. (3 points.) 2.  Control tongue and temper. (5 points.) 3.  Participate in some entertainment. (2 points.) 4.  Secure the approval of the leaders. (2 points.) 5.  Promptness in attending Chapel services. (2 points.)

SAVING LIFE. 1.  Be able to swim fifty yards and return without stopping. (1 point.) 2.  Pass the examinations in Life Saving and First Aid Work by written
   and demonstration work. (5 points.)
3.  Row from wharf to a given point and back in a given time. (1 point.)

Project Gutenberg
Camping For Boys from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.