Social Activity Points 16. Teach other boys in aquatics, athletics, or mental tests 1-5 17. Perform other good turns to individuals 1-5 +18. Congeniality with camp mates 1-4 +19. Neatness in care of personal property, tent and table 1-5 +20. Promptness in responding to bugle calls, signals and camp duties 1-3 21. Participating acceptably in evening entertainments 1-5 22. Participating acceptably in camp orchestra or glee club 3
Mental Test Points 23. Pass written test in life-saving examination with grade of 70-79, 80-89, or 90-100 3-5 24. Name and describe different kinds of trees and birds 1-5 25. Name and point out star groups 1-3 26. Answer questions on camp-fire talks 1-4 27. Read and orally answer questions on “Youth to Manhood” 1-5 28. Read and tell story of other acceptable books 1-3 29. Compose an acceptable song or yell for camp 5
Moral Activity Points 30. Daily Bible reading with written answers to questions 1-5 +31. Reverence at Religious exercises 1-3 +32. Attendance at Church on Sundays during camp 3 +33. Cheerful and faithful performance of camp duties 1-5 +34. Extra volunteer service at camp 1-5 +35. Self-control 1-4 +36. General conduct and disposition 1-5
Tests marked thus () are judged by certain leaders delegated for the purpose. Tests marked thus (+) are judged by all tent leaders for boys in their tents.
After a candidate has won the requisite number of points for the first degree, a unanimous vote of all leaders in council assembled, is necessary, after which, a solemn ceremony of initiation is conducted.
The Honor Emblem is given to all who win a total of at least thirty points covering all the tests.
Flag of Honor
Camp Couchiching spirit is developed through the “Flag of Honor,” which is awarded each day to the tent scoring the highest number of points, as follows: Every boy up and in line at 3 minutes after 7, scores 5 points for his tent; the morning dip, 5 points; tent inspection, 100 points for perfect; winning in athletic and aquatic meet, 25 points; second, 20; third, 15; fourth, 10; and fifth, 5. On a winning baseball team, 5 points and amateur stunt, 10 points.
Green Rag Society