Camping For Boys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Camping For Boys.

Camping For Boys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Camping For Boys.

List of books on handcraft and construction

Field and Forest Handy Book—­D.  C. Beard.  Charles Scribner’s Sons, $2.00.

Jack of All Trades—­D.  C. Beard.  Charles Scribner’s Sons, $2.00.

The Boy Pioneers—­D.  C. Beard.  Charles Scribner’s Sons, $2.00 net.

The Boy Craftsman—­A.  Neely Hall.  Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., $2.00.

Woodworking for Beginners—­C.  G. Wheeler.  Putnam and Company, $2.50.

Amateur Mechanics, Nos. 1 and 2.  Popular Mechanics. 25 cents each.  How to
Build a Biplane Glider—­A.  P. Morgan.  Spon & Chamberlain, 50 cents net.

Problems in Furniture Making—­Fred D. Crawshaw.  Manual Arts Press, $1.20.

Box Furniture—­Louise Brigham.  Century Co., $1.60 net.

The Boys’ Book of Model Aeroplanes—­Francis A. Collins.  Century Co., $1.20 net.  Postage extra.


Non-competitive awards
Dudley plan
The order of the Adirondack camp eagle
Order of the phantom square
Flag of honor
Green ragSociety
Durrell and Becket plan
proficiency cup
hall of Fame

Honour is purchased by the deeds we do;
* * * honour is not won,
Until some honourable deed be done. 

[Illustration:  Camp Dudley Arard]

Non-Competitive Awards

Achievement and cooperation based upon altruism, should be the underlying principles in determining the giving of emblems and awards.  To give every boy an opportunity to do his best to measure up to the camp standard, is the thing desired in the awarding of emblems.  Non-competitive tests are being recognized as the best lever of uplift and the most effective spur in arousing the latent ability of boys.  The desire to down the other fellow is the reason for much of the prevailing demoralization of athletics and competitive games.  Prizes should not be confused with “honors.”  An honor emblem should be representative of the best gift the camp can bestow and the recipient should be made to feel its worth.  The emblem cannot be bought, it must be won.

Dudley Plan

Camp Dudley has the distinction of introducing the honor system in boys’ camps.  Boys pass tests which include rowing, swimming, athletics, mountain climbing, nature study, carpenter work, manual labor, participation in entertainments, “unknown” point (unknown to the camp, given secretly to the boy) and securing the approval of the leaders, in order to win the “C D.”  After winning this emblem, the boys try to win the camp pennant, the tests for which are graded higher.

Project Gutenberg
Camping For Boys from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.