Fairs, Irish, seventeenth century, 538.
Falkland, Lord, suspected of favouring the Catholics,
Fauna, description of, 253.
Fene-men, the, 42n.
Fenian poems and tales, 87
ascribed to, 105.
Fes, or triennial assembly, 163.
Fethlimia, Princess, 122.
Fiacc’s Hymn, Scholiast on, 111.
Fidh Aengussa, the Synod of, 227.
Fifth taking of Ireland, 62,
Fiacre, St., 177.
Finnachta Fleadhach, the Hospitable, 171.
Finnen, St., 162,
Fintan, son of Bochra, the Irish historian, 40.
Firbolg chiefs, division of Ireland by, 60
battles of, 62.
Fish in Ireland, 80n
anecdote on, 72n.
FitzAldelm, his viceroyalty, 285
his death, 299.
FitzGerald, war between De Burgo and, 326.
FitzGerald, war between De Vesci and, 333.
FitzGerald, Lord Edward, joins the United Irishmen,
arrest of, 624
his death, 624.
Fithil, the poet, 40.
FitzMaurice obtains foreign aid, 441
his death, 443.
FitzStephen, 260.
FitzWilliam, Earl, viceroyalty, of 616.
Flahertach, Abbot, and King of Munster, 194
Flann, his Synchronisms, 49
synchronizes the chiefs and monarchs with
the kings of Erinn, 50.
Flann, King, his reign, 192.
Flint used to make weapons of defence, 160.
Flood, his life, 607.
Flora, description of, 253.
Foillan, St., 177.
Fomorians, the, 60-64.
Food of the ancient Irish, 241
of poorer classes in seventeenth century,
Ford of the Biscuits, battle of, 451.
Fothadh of the Canons, 180.
Franciscan Order in Ireland, 319
their patriotism, 344
their convents, 312
remarkable spring, 319
persecution of, 474.
Friars Preachers, Order of, 318.
Fridolin, St., 178.
Froude’s History of England,
quotations from his account of the English
clergy, 440.
Fursey, St., 177.
Gall, St., 177.
Galls, description of, 187n.
Gallic Church, labours of the Irish in 177.
Gaul, the Celts of, 73.
Irish saints venerated in, 183.
Geisill, battle of, 78n.
Genealogies, differences between, and pedigrees, 80-82.
Milesian, 79.
peculiar historical value of, 80.
and pedigrees, 51.
General Assembly at Kilkenny, 485.
Geographical accounts of Ireland, 72
George I., 582.
Geraldines, rising of, 1534, 390
ancestor of the, 333
their wars, 334
defeated at Kenmare, 325.
Germanus, St., his Canons, 117.
Gertrude, St., daughter of King Pepin, 177.
Gherardini, letter from the, 384.
Gilla Caemhain, an Irish writer, 49
gives annals of all times, 49.
Ginkell, General, 568.
Glundubh, Nial, lamentation for, 196.
Gold ornaments, 157.
Goldsmith, his life, 609.
Gordon’s, Mr., account of the atrocities of
the military, 628, 629.
Gormgal, St., 221.