College of Physicians, establishment of, in Dublin, 543.
Colleges, continental, established for Irish students, 535.
Colonists—Scythians, Greeks, 68.
Colonization, proofs of our early, 55
the last, 75.
Columba, St., and the Bards, 168.
Columbanus, St., his rule, 173
on papal supremacy, 176.
Commercial status of Irish towns, 540.
Comyn, John, Archbishop of Dublin, 291
his imprisonment, 295.
Conchessa, 112.
Confessions, St. Patrick’s, 113.
Conaire II., 103
collects laws, 104.
Conn of the Hundred Battles, 101.
Conn’s half of Ireland, 102.
Connaught, ancient, 64
massacre in, 297
three claimants for, 307
rising of the men, 323
plantation of, 475.
Conor Mac Nessa, legend of, 127
death of, 128.
Controversy, theological, of the “Three Chapters,” 175.
Cooke, Mr., publishes a pamphlet, 631.
Coote’s cruelties, 482.
Cork Militia, cruelties of the, 626.
Cormac, author of Saltair of Tara, 104.
Council at Tara, 172.
Courcy, John de, in Ulster, 286
his valour, 286
his defeat in Antrim, 288
his death. 298.
Craftine, the poet, 91.
Crannoges, 159.
Cranmer, Archbishop, 410.
Cremation not usual in Erinn, 155.
Crom Chonaill, the, 162.
Cromlechs, 155
in the Phoenix Park, 161.
Cromwell arrives in Ireland, 500
marches to Drogheda, 500
massacre at Drogheda. 501
letters, 502
his cruelties, 503
brutality of his soldiers, 503
his massacre at Wexford, 503.
Cromwellian settlement in Ireland, 512n.
Crovderg, Hugh, 307
his death, 308.
Cruelties of English officers, 417.
Crystede, his account of Ireland, 363.
Cuilmenn, the, 40.
Culdees, the, 182
question on the 179n.
Curia Regis, held at Lismore, 273.
Curragh of Kildare, 255.
Curran, his life, 606.
Cusack, Sir Thomas. 409
favours O’Neill, 421.
Custom-house built, 638.
Da Derga, destruction of the court of, 91.
Dagges, 413n.
Dalriada, the Irish, 131.
Danes, Malachy’s exploits against the, 207
in Ireland, 204
cruelties of the, 190
divided into Black and White Gentiles,
found sea-port towns, 200
supposed conversion of, 204
pipes, 241
the Dalcassians fight the, 205.
Danish fortress in Dublin, 278n
the first invasion, 188
attempted second invasion, 224
pirates, first raid of the, 188
valour, battle of Clontarf, 215.
Dante, 385.
D’Alton on the Round Towers, 163
on History, Religion, &c., of Ancient
Ireland, 68n.
Dathi, 107.
Defective Titles, Commission of, 475.
Derry, siege of, 558.
Dervorgil, the Lady, 234.
Desmond, Earls of, their ancestors and descendants,
Castle, 221.