The Crime Against Europe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 128 pages of information about The Crime Against Europe.

The Crime Against Europe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 128 pages of information about The Crime Against Europe.

To represent the island as a poverty striken land inhabited by a turbulent and ignorant race whom she has with unrewarded solicitude sought to civilise, uplift and educate has been a staple of England’s diplomatic trade since modern diplomacy began.  To compel the trade of Ireland to be with herself alone; to cut off all direct communication between Europe and this second of European islands until no channel remained save through Britain; to enforce the most abject political and economic servitude one people ever imposed upon another; to exploit all Irish resources, lands, ports, people, wealth, even her religion, everything in fine that Ireland held, to the sole profit and advancement of England, and to keep all the books and rigorously refuse an audit of the transaction has been the secret but determined policy of England.

We have read lately something of Mexican peonage, of how a people can be reduced to a lawless slavery, their land expropriated, their bodies enslaved, their labour appropriated, and how the nexus of this fraudulent connection lies in a falsified account.  The hacenade holds the peon by a debt bondage.  His palace in Mexico City, or on the sisal plains of Yucatan is reared on the stolen labour of a people whose bondage is based on a lie.  The hacenade keeps the books and debits the slave with the cost of the lash that scourges him into the fields.  Ireland is the English peon, the great peon of the British Empire.  The books and the palaces are in London but the work and the wealth have come from peons on the Irish Estate.  The armies that overthrew Napoleon; the fleets that swept the navies of France and Spain from the seas were recruited from this slave pen of English civilisation.  During the last 100 years probably 2,000,000 Irishmen have been drafted into the English fleets and armies from a land purposely drained of its food.  Fully the same number, driven by executive-controlled famines have given cheap labour to England and have built up her great industries, manned her shipping, dug her mines, and built her ports and railways while Irish harbours silted up and Irish factories closed down.  While England grew fat on the crops and beef of Ireland, Ireland starved in her own green fields and Irishmen grew lean in the strife of Europe.

While a million Irishmen died of hunger on the most fertile plains of Europe, English Imperialism drew over one thousand million pounds sterling for investment in a world policy from an island that was represented to that world as too poor to even bury its dead.  The profit to England from Irish peonage cannot be assessed in terms of trade, or finance, or taxation.  It far transcends Lord MacDonnell’s recent estimate at Belfast of L320,000,000—­“an Empire’s ransom,” as he bluntly put it.

Project Gutenberg
The Crime Against Europe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.