Now as to finding the point of contact I, it is known that one must find CD a third proportional to the lines CK, CG, and draw di parallel to cm, previously determined, which is the conjugate diameter to CG; for then, by drawing KI it touches the Ellipse at I.
29. Now as we have found CI the refraction of the ray rc, similarly one will find C_i_ the refraction of the ray rC, which comes from the opposite side, by making C_o_ perpendicular to rC and following out the rest of the construction as before. Whence one sees that if the ray rC is inclined equally with rc, the line C_d_ will necessarily be equal to CD, because C_k_ is equal to CK, and C_g_ to CG. And in consequence I_i_ will be cut at E into equal parts by the line cm, to which di and di are parallel. And because cm is the conjugate diameter to CG, it follows that iI will be parallel to gG. Therefore if one prolongs the refracted rays CI, C_i_, until they meet the tangent ML at T and t, the distances MT, M_t_, will also be equal. And so, by our hypothesis, we explain perfectly the phenomenon mentioned above; to wit, that when there are two rays equally inclined, but coming from opposite sides, as here the rays RC, rc, their refractions diverge equally from the line followed by the refraction of the ray perpendicular to the surface, by considering these divergences in the direction parallel to the surface of the crystal.