Half Portions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 266 pages of information about Half Portions.
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Half Portions eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 266 pages of information about Half Portions.

The millinery workroom, winter days, was always bright and warm and snug.  The air was a little close, perhaps, and heavy, but with a not unpleasant smell of dyes, and stuffs, and velvet, and glue, and steam, and flatiron, and a certain heady scent that Julia Gold, the head trimmer, always used.  There was a sociable cat, white with a dark gray patch on his throat and a swipe of it across one flank that spoiled him for style and beauty but made him a comfortable-looking cat to have around.  Sometimes, on very cold days, or in the rush reason, the girls would not go home to dinner or supper, but would bring their lunches and cook coffee over a little gas heater in the corner.  Julia Gold, especially, drank quantities of coffee.  Aunt Sophy had hired her from Chicago.  She had been with her for five years.  She said Julia was the best trimmer she had ever had.  Aunt Sophy often took her to New York or Chicago on her buying trips.  Julia had not much genius for original design, or she would never have been content to be head milliner in a small-town shop.  But she could copy a fifty-dollar model from memory down to the last detail of crown and brim.  It was a gift that made her invaluable.

The boy, Eugene, used to like to look at Julia Gold.  Her hair was very black and her face was very white, and her eyebrows met in a thick, dark line.  Her face, as she bent over her work, was sullen and brooding, but when she lifted her head suddenly, in conversation, you were startled by a vivid flash of teeth, and eyes, and smile.  Her voice was deep and low.  She made you a little uncomfortable.  Her eyes seemed always to be asking something.  Around the work table, mornings she used to relate the dream she had had the night before.  In these dreams she was always being pursued by a lover.  “And then I woke up, screaming.”  Neither she nor the sewing girls knew what she was revealing in these confidences of hers.  But Aunt Sophy, the shrewd, somehow sensed it.

“You’re alone too much, evenings.  That’s what comes of living in a boarding house.  You come over to me for a week.  The change will do you good, and it’ll be nice for me, too, having somebody to keep me company.”

Julia often came for a week or ten days at a time.  Julia, about the house after supper, was given to those vivid splashy kimonos with big flowers embroidered on them.  They made her hair look blacker and her skin whiter by contrast.  Sometimes Eugene or Adele or both would drop in and the four would play bridge.  Aunt Sophy played a shrewd and canny game, Adele a rather brilliant one, Julia a wild and disastrous hand, always, and Eugene so badly that only Julia would take him on as a partner.  Mrs. Baldwin never knew about these evenings.

It was on one of these occasions that Aunt Sophy, coming unexpectedly into the living room from the kitchen where she and Adele were foraging for refreshments after the game, beheld Julia Gold and Eugene, arms clasped about each other, cheek to cheek.  They started up as she came in and faced her, the woman defiantly, the boy bravely.  Julia Gold was thirty (with reservations) at that time, and the boy not quite twenty-one.

Project Gutenberg
Half Portions from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.