Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science.

Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science.

“But whom do you think we should invite, Jane dear?” asked Mrs. F. anxiously.

“You spoke of Mr. Rich.  I approve of him:  I know he has twenty thousand a year.  Yes, he shall be one.”

“I am afraid Eva won’t like him,” Mrs. Fluffy timidly remarked.

“Eva shall not interfere with my plans, and don’t you commence with such nonsense as liking and disliking; I won’t have it,” retorted Mrs. S. in a louder voice than she would have used had she known I was so near.

“But there might be some nicer gentleman just as wealthy, might there not?” suggested the weak sister.

“There is David Todd, with thirty thousand a year:  I wonder if he would suit the dainty Eva?” said Mrs. Jane, sneering.

“I think she would like Mr. Highrank to be invited,” observed pink Mrs. Fluffy, waiving the question.

I sat up and listened attentively when I heard my own name mentioned, not forgetful of the adage that listeners hear no good of themselves, but of course I had nothing to fear.

“More sensible than I thought Eva could be,” the Stunner rejoined.  “Forty thousand a year and entailed, so that he can’t get through with it.  I have observed him a good deal for several seasons, and I find that though he is such a fool, the sharpest girls can do nothing with him.  When so many are after him I suppose no single one can have a fair chance.  Yes, we will invite him, but I hope Eva will not think of falling in love with him unless he should propose.  Indeed, I think a modest girl ought never to fall in love.  It seems to me indecorous, at least before marriage—­after, they can do as they like about it.  You must warn Eva on the subject.  If any other gentleman should ask for her, she must not refuse, because we could not count on Highrank making up his mind:  I have an idea that he is too weak to form a resolution of any kind.”

I thought the old woman must be bilious.  “Me a fool!”—­a philosopher rather.  But I have always known that exalted worth is a fault in the estimation of narrow-minded people, who can’t appreciate it.  Little Eva has more sense—­would like me to visit her:  of course the poor child is in love with me.  I wish I could tease that ridiculous old lady in some way.  I have a confounded mind to run off with Eva.  No, that, I fear, would please Aunt Stunner.  But I am missing all her trash:  better listen.  It is really not worth getting heated over.

“The others I will see about,” continued Aunt Jane.  “It is very little consequence who they are.  Only one thing:  I won’t have that Hardcash about:  he and Eva have been entirely too much together.”

“She is rough on Ned,” thought I in ambush.

“I am afraid you won’t be able to manage Eva, my dear Jane.”

“Don’t worry.  When I have a duty to perform I go through with it.  Let us walk on to the summit.”

“Just as you like:  I am sufficiently rested, and we can talk as we go.”

Project Gutenberg
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.