Fitchburg is well provided with school houses. The High School on High street is a large and convenient building, and was erected in 1869. Mr. R.G. Huling has been the Principal since 1875. There are three large Grammar school buildings in the city proper, and one in West Fitchburg, besides a dozen or more buildings occupied by lower grades in various localities in town.
[Illustration: THE “STONE MILL.”]
There are two newspapers published here. The Fitchburg Sentinel occupies the entire upper portion of one of the oldest brick buildings in town. The structure has been raised and enlarged since it was first built. The first number of the Sentinel appeared December 30, 1838, and on May 6, 1873, the Daily Sentinel began its existence. Both are still published and enjoy a large and increasing circulation. The Fitchburg Tribune is issued weekly. This paper has been established only a few years, but under the present proprietor is acquiring a goodly circulation.
Our city is fortunate in possessing an abundant supply of excellent water derived from Scott, Shattuck and Falulah Brooks. Three reservoirs, Overlook, Scott and Marshall, were constructed at the time the water-works were first put in operation, a dozen years ago. These are located on the high land north-west of the city. In 1883 a fourth reservoir was constructed and named Falulah from the brook by which it is supplied. Overlook is the largest and most elevated, being four hundred feet above the railroad tracks. More than eighteen miles of service pipe are now in use, and there are over two hundred fire hydrants at various points. The city is equipped with a fire alarm telegraph, having thirty-one signal boxes, and maintains an efficient and well managed Fire Department. It is thus easy to understand why Fitchburg seldom has a fire that amounts to much.
The Wachusett Electric Light Company began to light the principal streets in the city proper in 1883, and still continues to furnish agreeable illumination.
The Fitchburg Gas Company, organized in 1852, has works a little below the Union Depot and is in prosperous condition.
[Illustration: THE “HANNA MILL.”]
The Fitchburg Divison of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company comprises this city, Leominster, Lunenburg and Westminster. There are nearly four hundred subscribers.
The Fitchburg Roller Skating Rink is an institution very attractive to the public and well patronized. There is also a skating rink in West Fitchburg.
The Massachusetts Mutual Aid Society, an organization for life insurance, was incorporated in 1875, and its members now number several thousands.
The Fitchburg Co-operative Savings Fund and Loan Association was incorporated in 1877. Monthly payments are made by share holders and money loaned on real-estate.