Bogs, to cross.
Bois de Vache (cattle-dung).
Bones, as fuel; food; to extract fat from; broken bones.
Books, for Ms.; to bind; on conclusion of journey.
Borrow, Mr.
Bougeau, Mr.
Bows set by a spring (see Arrows).
Box of card, to pack flat.
Braces, for trousers; for saddlery; to weave.
Brands, for trees; for cattle.
Break to carriage wheels.
Breakwater of floating spars.
Bridges of felled trees; flying bridges.
Broken limbs.
Brush, to make; paint-brush.
Bucket; pole and bucket at wells.
Bullet; poisoned (see “Lead").
Burning down trees; hollows in wood.
Bushing a tent.
Butcher Butcher’s knife.
Butter; relieves thirst.
Caches and Depots—Caches; hiding jewels; depositing letters; reconnoitring by help of porters.
Calabash floats; water vessels.
Calculations, to procure; blank forms.
Calf stuffed with hay (Tulchan).
Campbell, Mr. J., of Islay.
Camp (see Bivouac, Hut, Tent)m to fortify; camp fire; baking beneath.
Candles and Lamps—Candles; materials for candles; candlesticks; lamps To obtain a blaze in early morning.
Canoe, of a log; of three planks; of reeds and fibre; of bark; of the Rob Roy pattern; to carry on horseback.
Canvas, life-belt; water vessels; boat; painted, for sleeping rug.
Cap (hat); (percussion); to obtain fire from.
Carbon paper for tracing.
Carcass (carrion), to find; newly dead animal, warmth of.
Card-boxes, to pack flat.
Carpenters’ tools (see “Burning down Trees,”.
Carrara, shipping heavy blocks.
Carriages—Wagons; drays; tarring wheels; breaks and drags; sledges; North American travel (trail); palanquins.
Carross (fur) (see).
Cartel (bedstead).
Carter, Alpine Outfitter.
Cask (see “Barrel").
Castings, of lead; cast-steel.
Cats cannot endure high altitudes.
Catgut; for nooses.
Cattle—Weights carried by cattle; theory of loads and distances; horses; mules; asses; oxen; cows; camels; dogs; goats and sheep; management of horses and other cattle; intelligence of, in finding water; smell road; keep guard; will efface cache marks; to water cattle; to swim with; to use as messengers (see ‘Horse’ in “Index").
Cattle-dung, as fuel; as tinder; in plastering huts; in making floors; in dressing skins.
Catlin, Mr.