Arms, weapons.
Arrows; set by a springe; to poison; to shoot fish.
Artificial horizon.
Ashes, for soap; for salt; for saltpetre and touchpaper; bivouac in; in flooring; dressing skins.
Ass; kicking, to check; braying.
Atkinson, Mr.
Austin, Mr.
Autographic ink.
Awnings, to boat; to litter; to tents.
Axe, for marking trees; for ice; to re-temper.
Axletree, to mend; to prepare wood for.
Backs, sore.
Bags for sleeping in; saddle-bags; bags carried over saddle; on packsaddle; to tie the mouth of.
Baines, Mr.
Baker, Sir S.
Baking Ball (bullet); poisoned (see “Lead").
Ballantyne, Mr.
Bamboo rafts; to dig with; to cut meat; to strike
to boil water in; to hitch together.
Barclay, Captain, of Ury.
Bark, to strip; for boats; for water vessels; for string and cord; for cloth.
Barrels, as water vessels; in digging wells; to make filters; as floats (see also “Gourd-floats,").
Barth, Dr.
Basket-work boats; bucket; to protect water-bags.
Bath, vapour; bath-glove.
Battues, marking beaters at.
Beach, bivouac on (see “Dateram,").
Beacons, fire and smoke.
Beads, for presents and payments; as means of counting.
Beale, Lieutenant.
Bearings by Compass, Sun, etc.—Pocket compass; bearings by sun and stars; other signs of direction; to follow a track at night.
Bedding—General remarks; vital heat; mattresses and their substitutes; preparing the ground for bed; coverlets; pillows.
Bees, to find hive.
Beke, Dr.
Belcher, Admiral Sir E.
Bells for cattle; to strings (thieves).
Belt, life; for trousers; bundle tied to.
Bengal fire.
Birds, flight of, shows water; dead game; direction of unseen coast; Food of birds wholesome to man; rank birds, to prepare, for eating; watchfulness of; (see “Feathers,” “Quills,” Shooting and Game).
Biscuit, meat.
Bivouac—General remarks on shelter; various methods of bivouacking; bivouac in special localities; in hostile country; in unhealthy countries; flies at night.
Blacksmith’s work (see Metals).
Black paint; lampblack.
Bladder for carrying water (see “Floats,”; Membrane).
Blakiston, Captain, R. A.
Blanket stocking.
Blaze (marked trees); of fire in early morning.
Bleeding, haemorrhage; blood-letting.
Bligh, Captain.
Blood, in making floors; as food; as paint; as ink.
Blue fire.
Boats (see Rafts and Boats). Boat fire-place; routes, to mark; shipping great weights; moving them on land; shooting from; fishing fron.